Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on B&B

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Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on B&B

James set out to prove that Sheila was an unfit mother -- by moving in with her. Amber helped by hinting to Sheila that she could win James back. Thorne and Brooke arranged for Taylor to see Brooke and Ridge together. The plan backfired, and Taylor headed to Ridge to reveal her child's paternity.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on B&B

Monday, September 29, 1997

by Soap Central

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Eric thanks Stephanie for bailing him out of jail following his tirade at theSpectra showing. Eric tells Stephanie it was Sally who planted the picture,not Lauren. It doesn't matter who planted the picture, Steph says, the factremains that you slept with Lauren. Thorne, Ridge, and Brooke meet with Ericand Stephanie to decide what to do about Spectra showing their springcollection. Eric phoned his lawyer Jonathan to see if there is any legalrecourse they can take.

James tries to reason with Sheila. Sheila reminds James she is the baby'smother and she shares a connection with the baby that no one can break.James promises the baby will always no her biological mother and what anincredible sacrifice she gave when giving the baby up for adoption. Jamesasks Sheila not to revert to her old evil ways by taking the baby. It's notabout temptation, Sheila says, it's about a mother longing for her child.

Eric fills Jonathan in on the Spectra situation. Jonathan says theForresters can bring Grant before a judge but the collection Spectra showedwas a modified Forrester collection and Grant could prolong a trialindefinitely since he was not under contract while working at Forrester. Thatwould force Forrester not to have a spring showing which would beprofessional suicide, Eric says. Thorne suggests Brooke's idea of an all outmedia blitz to every major market Forrester sells to. Eric has an idea thatmight be Forresters last chance...

Connor reminds Maggie that Sheila is within her legal rights to claimMargaret. That doesn't make handing over an innocent child to an evil womanright, Maggie counters. Maggie blasts the police for helping Sheila takeMargaret away and warns if the baby is taken away, Margaret is the one whowill suffer.

Eric admits his idea will be the biggest gamble in the thirty-five yearhistory of Forrester. If Forrester misses a spring showing, it will kill thecompany. Eric says Forrester is going to put on a show, albeit late, butthey are going to mount a collection and take the showing on the road.Forrester will put on a road show so spectacular, the fashion industry willhave to take notice. The show will go to every major market. Only witheveryone working together can they pull this off, Eric advises. Ridge,Thorne, and Brooke support Eric and his idea, but does Stephanie. After Ericconvinces Steph that without her, Forrester will not be able to pull thisoff, she gives her support. Eric states this will be the biggest challengeof their professional lives but they will give the industry a showing theywill never forget!

Sheila has come to a decision: she wants her baby back. James says she isnot capable of being a mother while Maggie pleads for Sheila not to take awaythe baby. James has to move Maggie from the baby's crib so Sheila can takethe baby. With Maggie screaming "No, No, No" Sheila takes her baby andheads home.

Eric and Stephanie worry that the delayed Forrester Spring Collection may be their last
Eric and Stephanie worry that the delayed Forrester Spring Collection may be their last

Eric and Stephanie worry that the delayed Forrester Spring Collection may be their last

Tuesday, September 30, 1997

by Soap Central

Clarke is settling into his new office at Forrester when Eric stops by.Clarke shows Eric a design he made for the fall collection. Eric wants toconcentrate on a spring collection. Clarke thinks it's too late to design acollection for spring. Eric says he's not paying Clarke to think, just to becreative.

Grant is upset because Brooke showed up at the Spectra showing with Clarke.Sally advises Grant not to let the Forresters get to him. Remember, afteryesterday's showing, Spectra is now a major player in the fashion industry,Sally advises. Lauren shows up at Sally's office on Sally's request.

Maggie is terribly upset over losing Margaret. James promises he will doeverything to get their baby back. What can he do, Maggie asks, Sheila waswithin her legal rights. Maggie urges James to do something to get Margaretback. Later, James calls Connor do see what legal recourse they have againstSheila. The only way to get your little girl back is to go to court, Connoradvises. James admits he is afraid for Margaret due to Sheila history ofmental instability. That is the angle they can take to court, Connor says.

Sheila arrives home with the baby to the chagrin of Amber. Amber wonders howMaggie is taking losing her baby. Sheila reminds Amber that Mary is herbaby, not Maggie's. Sheila admits she needs help with the baby otherwise, shewould send Amber home. Mike advises Sheila not to trust Amber. Sheiladoesn't trust Amber, but she trusts Amber with Mary. Sheila warns Amber isshe crosses her one more time, she will send her butt back to Death Valley ina casket!

Sally realizes Lauren told Eric Spectra was showing Grant's collection.Sally isn't too upset because she knows why Lauren did it. If Eric foundout by himself, he wouldn't forgive Lauren's part in it. Sally advisesLauren to take the direct approach to win Eric's heart. That means knockingout the enemy, Queen Stephanie. Stephanie is going to fill Eric's head withevil thoughts about you every chance she can get, Sally warns Lauren.Therefore, you need to counter by going after Stephanie, Sally suggests.

Lauren heads to the Forrester camp to set the record straight concerning whathappened at Eric and Stephanie's wedding. Lauren explains to Steph thatSally is the one who planted the picture. The picture never was the issue,Stephanie says. Lauren says she knows Stephanie is filling Eric's head withall kinds of garbage about her. The only thing Eric and I talk about thesedays is business, Stephanie informs. Stephanie concludes that Lauren isgoing after Eric again. Why should you care is I become involved with Ericagain, Lauren asks, you're not going to marry him. Lauren admits she wantsEric and vows to have him.

Connor says the only way to win Margaret back is to provide the court withevidence that Sheila is unstable. James has to start spending time withSheila and observe her, Connor suggests. James realizes he has to get Sheilato trust him again. Not only that, Connor says, but Sheila has to beconvinced that you love her while you secretly build your case against her.James is going to have to deceive Sheila but if he doesn't, she might harmthe baby someday. James vows to do whatever it takes to get Margaret back,even is that means moving in with Sheila.

Sheila vows never to leave Mary again.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on B&B

Wednesday, October 1, 1997

by Soap Central

Thorne notices Clarke is working on three designs at one time. Clarke sayshe wants to make this the best showing Forrester has ever had. It will haveto be, Thorne says, because we are competing with ourselves since Spectrashowed Forrester's original collection. Clarke assumes Stephanie is planninga big, splashy wedding for he and Taylor. Quite the opposite, Thorne says.In fact, even family will be lucky to get an invitation to this wedding.

Doctor Santana realizes Taylor has not eliminated the source of stress in herlife which is affecting her unborn child. The doc says Taylor is expectingtoo much from herself by keeping the baby's paternity a secret from Ridge.Santana urges Taylor to settle that matter once and for all.

Maggie wants to go to Sheila and reason with her but James won't hear of it.He tells Maggie he has devised a plan of his own in hopes of gettingMargaret back. Maggie is upset to learn James is planning on moving in withSheila. The only way to get Margaret back is to prove Sheila is an unfitmother, James says. The only way to prove Sheila is unfit is to observe herdaily behavior. Maggie suggests using Amber to prove Sheila is unfit butJames says they can't depend on a seventeen year old.

Eric is busy creating a collection when Lauren poses as a model. Lauren isthere because she feels responsible for what happened at Eric and Stephanie'swedding. Lauren makes it known that she would never have let Sally ruin thewedding had she known. The point is the wedding was ruined, Eric says. Nowhe is concentrating on winning Stephanie back. If you don't win her back itis because you are not trying hard enough and deep down you still havefeelings for me, Lauren informs Eric.

Thorne comes home to Taylor's and wants to discuss their wedding. Thornewants to marry in a couple of weeks but Taylor wants to wait. Taylor usesthe excuse of the doctor told her to limit her stress and a wedding would bestressful. It won't be a big wedding, Thorne says. Taylor admits she isjust now taking control of her life and a wedding is not in the picture.Thorne thinks there is more to it but says the most important thing in herlife now is to remain as comfortable as ever.

Maggie doesn't want James to move in with Sheila because he will have toconvince Sheila that he is in love with her and doesn't want Maggie anymore.James reminds Maggie they have to get Margaret away from Sheila beforeSheila does something to harm the baby. James promises to get Sheila totrust him and to think he cares. Maggie agrees for the baby's sake. Jamesphones Sheila and says he wants to come over because he needs to see her.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on B&B

Thursday, October 2, 1997

by Soap Central

Ridge is hard at work. Stephanie enters and asks how it is going. Hetells her that it is going good; "We're going to make it." he tellsher. He asks about his father and Stephanie says she has made him takea break and she is here to see that Ridge takes a break. Later, hetells her. He asks if she has seen Clarke's work. She admits that shehas and it is good work. He wonders where Thorne is. Stephanie saysthat something is wrong there. She never sees him and they haven'tannounced their engagement. Ridge doesn't want to talk about them, butStephanie says that he should. He should find it curious that the twoof them doesn't ring true as a relationship. She was all committed toyou, she goes away for a day or two then comes back engaged to Thorne.She comes back pregnant, Ridge corrects her. So what? Stephanie asks.She thought you were going away for 20 years. She is depressed andvulnerable so she goes away with Thorne and in a moment of weakness, shegets pregnant. That is no reason to marry someone she doesn't love. Ithink she is marrying Thorne because she thinks it is expected of her.Someone has to convince her that it is the wrong thing to do---someonelike you.

Taylor visits James in his office. She is sorry to hear that Sheilahas revoked the adoption. He tells her that he will see Sheilalater. He asks about the panic attacks; she claims that her panicattacks are no longer a problem, but her blood pressure is borderline.But I'm back working and going on with my life, she tells him. He warnsher that she is making a mistake in not telling Ridge that he is thefather of her baby. I think you will suffer every day of your life andif you go ahead with this marriage and deny Ridge his child, you willdrive yourself to madness.

Thorne shows up in Brooke's office depressed over Taylor's delaying thewedding. Brooke, examining designs, says that everyone is on a mission;they are going to pull this off! Yes, Thorne says, Dad is amazing,isn't her? And so is Ridge, Brooke enthuses (no one seems to thinkClarke is contributing here). I think this European tour is just whatRidge needs. Thorne wishes it were that simple where Taylor isconcerned. It looks like we aren't getting married.

You aren't getting married? What is going on. Thorne tells her that heis sensing a change. She isn't interested in getting married. She isworking on her career. This is only a temporary set-back, Brookepredicts. She is pregnant with your baby; of course she is going tomarry you. There is no reason to feel insecure. I wish I could believethat, Thorne moans. Brooke tells him that Ridge is edging in herdirection and Taylor will come around. Despite her reluctance, I amsure she loves you very much. Otherwise she wouldn't be carrying yourbaby, right? Lighten up, she tells him. Things will work out. So, howare things in the bedroom? Still great, huh? Thorne is floored by thequestion and tries to evade answering it.

You want me to tell Ridge that it is his baby when he loves Brooke?Taylor asks, aghast. James tries to convince her that she isoverreacting. Taylor doesn't think so since she saw them in bedtogether. Again, James tries to reason with her. After all, she hadbeen away with Thorne a number of days. And that justifies it? shewants to know. She tells James that she is tired of competing forRidge. There is too much flip-flopping between her and Brooke. Sure,Ridge would marry her, but how long would it be before he went runningback to Brooke? He has done it before and he would do it again. Lookhow it affects me, my health, my self-esteem. James says she still hasto tell Ridge before she marries Thorne. Taylor admits that they haveput off the marriage. James tells her that she still has to tellRidge. Then she can do what she wants to. If she still wants to marryThorne, then she can. Otherwise, if she doesn't, she will regret it.There won't be a day when you don't wake up thinking of Ridge. When youlook at the child, you will remember it all the more. I know you; Iknow what you are like. You can't live with that kind of pressure. Youwill crack. Please, tell Ridge and let the chips fall where they may.

Ridge is dumbfounded that Stephanie wants him to convince Taylor not tomarry Thorne. But Stephanie insists that he has to do this. She isconvinced that Taylor will be making a huge mistake if she marriesThorne while she still loves Ridge.

Thorne tells Brooke that he needs Taylor to see Brooke and Ridgetogether. Brooke is surprised but between the two of them, they cook upa plan to do just that. Brooke agrees to have Ridge take her toMannequins for dinner. Thorne is sure he can convince Taylor to go outwith him. Once there, Taylor will see Brooke and Ridge together. Thiswill show Taylor that Ridge wants to be with Brooke; then Taylor willforget Ridge and turn back to Thorne.Brooke doesn't think this is necessary but goes along. She continues toquestion Thorne's sex life and is surprised that they do not have asexual relationship.

Brooke visits Ridge and is disturbed when Ridge begins voicing doubtsabout the relationship between Thorne and Taylor. Something is notright here, he says. With some difficulty, Brooke finally gets him offthe Taylor/Thorne subject and asks him to dinner. He tells her he hastoo much work to do, but she finally convinces him that he will be moreproductive if he takes time off for dinner. She wants to treat him todinner at Mannequins and he finally agrees.

Thorne convinces Taylor to go out to dinner with him. Don't you owe itto me after canceling our picnic? he asks. Once she has agreed to goout with him, he goes to his office and calls Brooke. He tells her thateverything is set; he has made the reservations. Now all I have to dois put on a really good show, Brooke jokes. I hope it isn't just ashow, Thorne says to which Brooke tells him that of course it "isn't ashow." It has to be a good "show" he tells Brooke, because if Taylorthinks there is any chance for her with Ridge, it will be all over. Howcould it be all over when she has your baby inside her? Brookequestions. Never mind, he tells her. Just be there and do it. Thishas to work, he says as he hangs up the phone. " If it doesn't, it is allover for you and me, Taylor. And it is all over for the baby."

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on B&B

Friday, October 3, 1997

by Gladys

Thorne and Taylor arrive at Mannequins. As they sit, Thorne is lookingaround so obviously that Taylor asks if he is looking for someone. No,he answers; he then excuses himself and goes to the phones. He callsBrooke at her office. Why are you still there? he wants to know. Don'tworry, she assures him. We are leaving very soon.

Amber visits James. She has told Sheila that she is in the parksketching. I'll draw a few trees and bushes on the bus ride home, shetells James. Sheila is all wrapped up in that kid; she'll never knowthe difference. James wonders how things are going for her. He andMaggie want her to keep tabs on Sheila so they can prove she is unfit.Amber will have none of it. Sheila threatened to kill her when shefound out about the last time Amber visited James. But if you were justclose to her, she might learn to trust you and open up with you. Youcould then report back to us, James tells her. Amber becomes evasive.I know you need help, but I have problems too. Now that I don't workfor you, I need money. I have to look for a job, otherwise, how am Iever going to have the money for the car? She walks away with a smileon her face. The car? James asks. Oh yes! she says excitedly. Thenshe goes on to describe the car she already has picked out. It is a redconvertible with a white top. It has everything. Again she turns. allright, James says. The car is yours. Really? The day Margaret comesback to Maggie and me you will get the car, James assures her. Amberbounces out of the office on a cloud. James picks up the phone andcalls Sheila.

Sheila is playing with the baby when James calls. He tells her he is onhis way over. Sheila tells him that she has changed her mind. I am inno mood for a confrontation, she tells him. James assures her thatthere will be no confrontation. I miss her terrible, he tells Sheila.Sheila relents and tells him to come on over.

Ridge is working in his office. A very sexy Brooke walks in, skirts upto there, and poses. Ahem, she says getting his attention. His mouthdrops open as he surveys her from top to bottom. When he finishesgiving her a long "once over," his mouth closes in a slow smile. Didyou really have to do that? he asks. Don't you like it? she asks. Yes,but it makes it harder to tell you I have changed my mind, he tellsher. He explains that he is up against a brick wall. You're justtired, Brooke wheedles. You need to relax. Go out with me for just anhour and when you come back you will be relaxed and refreshed andinspired. She tells him that she is going for the car; be ready in 10minutes.

Sheila is caring for the baby when Amber returns. She demands to knowwhere Amber has been and Amber gives her the ready-made excuse. Sheilatells her that she needed some help; this is the third time she haschanged the baby's clothes after she spit up on them. Babies do that,Amber laughs and takes over. It isn't that, Sheila explains. I am anervous wreck. James is coming over and he will blame me for anythingthat is wrong. He will hold it against me and try to take my baby awayfrom me. I don't need this kind of pressure, she says. I am going tocall him and tell him not to come. But Amber suggests that it will begood to see James. Just fix yourself up a little and remind him of theold Sheila. After all, he must have been attracted to you once,otherwise how did you make this little baby. Sheila decides it wouldn'thurt to go up and fix her hair. She leaves and Amber smiles. "So far,so good." she says.

The waiter brings an extra plate of pickles and Taylor eagerly beginsbiting into one. "Pickles?" Thorne laughs. I know, she says, I couldhave been a little more original, Taylor concedes. Taylor becomesserious. She needs to talk to him. Her conscious is hurting her. Shewants to tell Ridge about the baby. Thorne protests. He reminds herthat Ridge has lied to her; he has betrayed her. It isn't about me, shesays. It is about Ridge and his baby.

Ridge and Brooke enter Mannequins. It is really crowded, he says.Looks like a lot of people had the same idea we had. He asks if shewants to leave. Brooke looks around and sees Thorne and Taylor. No,she tells Ridge. I'd like to stay.

Thorne continues to rant at Taylor about all the things Ridge as everdone to her. Taylor tells him that it is more complicated than that. Ihave accepted that Ridge is with Brooke, she tells him. Thorne spiesBrooke and Ridge. Now is your chance to prove it, he tells Taylor.

Ridge isn't hungry. Brooke cajoles him into ordering and forgetting theoffice. He tells her that he has never felt this way before. Alwaysbefore he could lose himself in his work, but not now. Brooke looksaround and suddenly wants to leave. Why? Ridge wonders. Withouttelling him why, Brooke looks in Thorne and Taylor's direction andcontinues to insist that they leave. Ridge follows her look and seeshis brother with the woman he loves.

Taylor wonders what Thorne is talking about. Then it won't bother youthat they are sitting right over there? Thorne asks. Taylor looksacross the room and locks eyes with Ridge. They stare at each other.

Amber is singing to the baby and swing her about in her arms. "Baby youcan drive my car," she sings. The doorbell rings and she opens the doorfor James. James is happy to see his little girl. He is cooing overher when Sheila enters the room. He speaks to her softly and she smilesat him.

James and Sheila sit side by side on the sofa playing with the baby.James is talking to the baby and calls her Margaret. Sheila correctshim; her name is Mary. Amber is watching. She tells James that thebaby is doing really well. She is eating and sleeping. I know you areworried about your little girl, especially because of Sheila's pasthistory of instability. She continues to go on about Sheila's pastwhile Sheila tries to get her to be quiet. James tells Amber that hehas always known that Sheila has a loving and nurturing side. Sheilaoffers to let him feed the baby. She goes for a bottle and leaves Jamesalone with the baby. He tells Mary that her "mommy" misses her. Ambercorners Sheila. It is going great, isn't it? James can still beattracted to you. If you work it right, you could have your baby andher father. I'd give anything to unite my family, Sheila admitswistfully.

Ridge won't leave the restaurant and give his brother the satisfaction.Brooke remarks that they are all wrapped up in one another.

Taylor says that it didn't take Brooke long; it didn't take Ridge long,Thorne reminds her. Now, do you still think Ridge needs to know aboutthe baby? Taylor tries to reason with him. It doesn't matter whetherhe is with Brooke or not, he still has the right to know his child andbe involved in it's life. Thorne says he will be involved. But only asan uncle, Taylor says. Ridge has always wanted a baby of his own. Lookat them, Thorne almost shouts at her. Ridge will never let me raise hischild---not the brother that he hates. He will do everything he can toget you back. And once he has you, he will betray you. He will betrayyou and your baby. Is that what your child really needs? But Taylorcan't continue to lie. I am going to tell him. She says. I am goingto tell him everything. She rises from the table and heads in Ridgesdirection as Thorne watches in desperation.

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Edited by SC Desk