Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on B&B

SC Desk
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on B&B

Macy became attracted to Grant after she learned that Taylor and Thorne were starting a family together. Stephanie demanded to know if Taylor was lying. Amber confessed to James that she and Sheila were roommates, and Sheila demanded to have her baby back.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on B&B

Monday, September 15, 1997

by Soap Central

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The Spectra crew is busy getting ready for their upcoming fashion show.Darla shows Sally the morning paper in which one of the lead stories is Ericand Stephanie's aborted wedding. Sally only marvels at how much Forrester isin disarray. With Eric and Stephanie's wedding coming to a screeching haltand Ridge being accused of attempted murder earlier in the year, theForresters ought to feel quite embarrassed, Sally muses. Not to mention,they don't have a collection for their fall showing. The Forresters have away of bouncing back, Grant warns. In the mean time, he decides to go offerhis "condolences" to the Forresters.

Eric is in his office wondering what Grant did with the designs for the fallshowing. Clarke stops by wanting to know about his possible job. Hementions his role in getting Grant out of Forrester by exposing Grant'smarriage to Brooke as a sham. Eric says he is grateful for that but due tohis marriage to Stephanie being stopped, he is in no condition to thinkabout hiring Clarke.

Thorne drops the bomb to Brooke that Ridge and Taylor aren't getting married.Instead, he and Taylor are getting married. Brooke is blown away with thisnews. Obviously this leaves things open for Brooke and Ridge to reunite,Thorne says. Brooke isn't so quick to jump to that conclusion. She saw thedetermined look in Ridge's eye to marry Taylor. Ridge is madly in love withTaylor and won't give her up that easily, Brooke deduces. Thorne reassuresBrooke that Ridge will not be marrying Taylor because she is carryingThorne's child.

Amber is still angry at Sheila for almost getting caught with the baby.Amber accuses Sheila of becoming obsessed with Margaret, and falling back toher old, deceitful ways. Sheila seems a bit amused by Amber's devotion toher babysitting "career." She's tried to stay away but the baby needs hermother, Sheila says. Margaret's adopted, Amber counters. Sheila reminds herthat she can change her mind within the first six months of the adoption.Amber is worried Sheila's attachment to Margaret will cost her her job andis determined not to let that happen. Stay the hell away from Margaret,Amber warns Sheila.

Never one to take kindly to threats, Sheila delivers a threat of her own toAmber. You don't tell me what to do, Sheila reminds her roomie. Margaretbelongs with the Warwicks, Amber says. Determined not to let Sheila blow herjob and dream of living in Los Angeles, Amber decides to think of a way tostop Sheila from interfering with Margaret. Amber looks up James' phonenumber at work and gives him a call. There is something urgent we have totalk about, Amber says. James invites her to his office.

At Forrester, Grant runs into Clarke. Grant does not let Clarke know he isworking at Spectra. Clarke delights in telling Grant his role in gettingGrant fired from Forrester. Grant promises Clarke will pay for that.

Ridge is sorting through his pictures of Taylor. He puts all the pictures ofhe and Taylor and a couple of dresses he designed for her and puts them in abox. Later at Big Bear, Ridge starts a fire. He is determined to wipe awayall memories of his life with Taylor. He throws the pictures in the fire.

Brooke realizes how committed Ridge was to loving Taylor and now howdevastated he must be. She is the only one who really understands what Ridgemust be going through, Brooke says. Brooke sets out to find Ridge.

Thorne is elated that Taylor will finally be his!

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on B&B

Tuesday, September 16, 1997

by Soap Central

Amber visits James at his office. She reminds James her job babysittingMargaret is her number one priority. Amber also confesses she had a jobsomewhere in the boonies and it was there she met the person who informed herabout the babysitting position. After Amber rambles on about how it hasalways been her dream to live in LA and work for people like James andMaggie, James tells her to get to the point of this visit. The woman whotold me about the babysitting job was Sheila and I still live with her, Amberadmits.

Sheila thinks it's funny Amber didn't tell her where she was going. Maybeshe got a call from Maggie and had to go over and help with the baby, Sheilaconcludes. Sheila decides to call Amber at the Warwicks to find out. Whenno one answers, Sheila notices Amber wrote James' office phone number down onthe notepad by the phone. Amber wouldn't have gone to James' office , wouldshe?

Doctor Santana urges Taylor to stay stress free if she wants to deliver ahealthy baby. Thorne reminds Taylor she made to right decision for the sakeof the baby. Unlike and relationship with Ridge, you will never have toworry about another woman with me, Thorne tells Taylor. Taylor agrees shemade to right decision by telling Ridge the baby she is carrying is Thornes.

Brooke arrives at Forrester hoping to find Ridge. When she doesn't find him,she summons Megan to help locate him. Megan tracks Ridge down at the cabinin Big Bear. Brooke is on her way.

At Big Bear, Ridge is thinking of the life he and Taylor had together. Hethrows pictures and their wedding album into the fire, along with the dresshe designed for her for their engagement party. Brooke arrives just as Ridgeis throwing away the box full of pictures of Taylor.

James is stunned to learn Amber is Sheila's roommate and order her out oftheir lives. Amber pleads for forgiveness. To only reason I told you in thefirst place is because I'm worried about Margaret and what Sheila might do toher, Amber tells James. Amber says she is afraid Sheila might try somethingcrazy. James thanks her for telling him and agrees not to fire Amber on onecondition: Amber must not tell Sheila we spoke. Sheila is a threat to thebaby and James wants Amber to keep an eye on Sheila for him.

Amber arrives home to find Sheila waiting for her. Sheila questions Amber onher whereabouts but Amber tries to cover. Sheila sees right through her liesand accuses Amber of betraying her. Now you're going to see what happens tosomeone when they betray Sheila Carter!

Brooke tells Ridge she knows what happen and offers to take Ridge home. Whatfor, Ridge asks? There's nothing for me at home anymore. Ridge says he wasso convinced Taylor loved him and trusted him. All this time she wassleeping with my brother, Ridge continues, and now she's pregnant. Tayloralways wanted a child and I wanted to desperately to give her one, Ridgeexplains. Brooke tries to console Ridge.

While Taylor is sleeping, Thorne promises no one will ever find out thatRidge is the father of Taylor's baby, especially Ridge. Taylor made herdecision, and it is the right decision for everyone.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on B&B

Wednesday, September 17, 1997

by Soap Central

Sally, Grant, and Macy are going over the designs for the fall showing.Sally wonders if the Forresters would have a case if they sued Spectra forshowing their designs. Grant reminds Sally that he designed the collectionso the Forresters do not have any claim on the designs. Darla comes in thewarn everyone that Thorne is in the building and heading up to Sally'soffice. Sally doesn't want Thorne to know that Grant is working at Spectraand orders Grant to hide.

Maggie brings Margaret to James' office for a visit. James is glad Maggiestopped by because there is something they need to talk about. Amber andSheila know each other and that is how Amber found out about the job, Jamesinforms Maggie. Also, Sheila is back in LA. Maggie is sure James told Ambershe was fired. James asked Amber to stay because she is the only person whois close enough to Sheila to keep an eye on her. Tearfully, Maggie suggeststhey pack up the baby and leave LA for good since Sheila could legally stillback out on her agreement. James is unsure what Sheila is planning but withAmber around, she is the one person who can tell them what Sheila isthinking.

Sheila corners Amber at their house. Since your future depends on me, youwouldn't screw it up by going to James, Sheila asks. Sheila grabs Amber andthrows her against the door. "You're going to pay for going behind my back!"Sheila yells. With Sheila choking Amber, she gets Amber to admit to tellingJames about their liaison. Amber does admit she did not tell James aboutSheila's visits to see the baby. Sheila doesn't believe her and demands toknow what she told James. Amber confesses to only telling James that theyknew each other and that is how she found out about the job. Amber thinksSheila ought to calm down and stop obsessing over the baby. "I am notobsessed with my baby!" Sheila screams. More and more, Sheila realizesthere is only one thing she can do regarding her baby...

Thorne stopped by Spectra to talk to Macy. He informs her of his engagementto Taylor and that they are expecting a child together. Thorne realizes itmust be hard for Macy to hear since they were trying for a child togetherright up until the end. Macy wishes him well and assures him she is notupset with the news. Once Thorne leaves, Macy is visibly upset.

Sally and Grant are talking shop when Grant notices Sally's mind is somewhereelse. Sally admits she can't stop thinking about what Thorne and Macy haveto talk about. Sure that her daughter is upset, Sally heads over to comforther. Grant suggest he go instead since he can relate to what Macy is goingthrough.

Macy doesn't feel like talking when Grant arrives. She says she is leavingthe office for the day and doesn't feel like talking. The worst thing to dois hide out, Grant says. I'm not going home, Macy says. She says she isgoing out and invites Grant to come along with. Once at the restaurant,Grant is impressed at how well Macy is handling the news about Thorne. Grantoffers a toast to Macy's life.

Amber warns Sheila that plotting to steal her baby is not a good idea.After all, Margaret has a new home with two parents who adore her. Sheilaslaps Amber for lecturing her about her baby. Sheila has a warning of herown: Crossing me is suicide and if I find out you have betrayed me again,you will find out what suicide is like!

James is closing the office for the night. As he is leaving, he isconfronted by Sheila.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on B&B

Thursday, September 18, 1997

by Soap Central

Grant and Macy go out on the town. At Mannequins, they have dinner anddo a little minor flirting. Grant suggests that Macy get even withThorne with the upcoming showing, but revenge isn't on her mind. Shesays that Spectra needed a collection and that he had one---nothing todo with revenge. Grant says that this is the "biggest line of bull"that he has ever heard in his life. You didn't want that divorce, hetells her. Thorne just threw away a seven year relationship! If thatisn't reason for revenge, he doesn't know what is. Grant says that theyhave both been hurt by the Forresters and he wants to get back at them.He goes on to talk about what he has learned. The number one rule isnever to get involved with anyone he works with. Macy reminds him thatthey work together, but of course, he says, he didn't think of her inthat way. He makes a joke that he knows what it must be like for hisdinner companion to struggle with temptation.

Thorne comes into his office and gazes at the photo of Taylorfrom Hawaii. As he goes about his business, Clark shows up demanding"his reward." You owe me a job and now you are going to pay-up, heyells. He says that he is sorry if things didn't work out for him withTaylor, but that wasn't his fault and he did accomplish what theForresters couldn't do: getting rid of Grant Chambers. Thorne picks upthe phone, dials a number and hands it to Clarke. It happens to beClarke's voicemail and there is a message from Thorne that by tomorrowhe should have news about the job after the board meeting. Clarke has toswallow his pride. "I should have known you wouldn't have let mehanging. You will go to bat for me?" Clarke even apologizes for hislittle 'Taylor' remark and says that she would have been a hell of a lotbetter off with Thorne than Ridge. Of course Thorne tells him that heand Taylor are going to be married. Clarke offers his congrats. He thenquestions Thorne if he told Macy the good news yet.

Stephanie is visiting with Maggie. She doesn't want to talk to Eric.It is too hurtful so she asks about Maggie instead. Maggie. Maggiefills Stephanie in about Sheila. She is obsessed with the baby, shetells Stephanie. Stephanie is bottle-feeding Margaret as Maggie tellsher friend how much she loves this child. "I couldn't ever give herback to Sheila," she tells Stephanie. I know that Sheila reallyloves the baby, she says. I just hope to God she does the right thing.All we can do is wait and see what Sheila is going to do, she sighs.

As James is leaving his office, he runs into Sheila. "It's been a longtime," Sheila says as she pushes past him into the office. She tellsJames that she is not disappointed with herself. She really thoughtthat she could do this. James tells her that he respects the courageand sacrifice she has made for the child. Sheila says that she thoughtit would be easier. She suddenly spies a picture of Margaret on thedesk. She picks it up and examines it. Mary is beautiful, she says.James accuses her of "backsliding" in her recovery. He accuses her ofbeing obsessed. This is very hurtful to Sheila. Sheila informs Jamesthat she is not obsessed with the baby or unhealthy. She is simply amother who is unhappy and misses her baby. I don't think I can do thisanymore, she tells James. I am sorry; I don't think I can do thisanymore. I am sorry. I didn't think it would be this hard.

James tells her that he should have gotten her professionalhelp to deal with the loss. Sheila tells him that she didn't do this forthe baby, she did it for him. . . I never thought it would be like this.It is like a black hole inside of me. It is not fair. I really thought Icould make you understand." She rushes out of the office and to theelevator. But now it is time to take action, she says to herself.

Back at Manniquins, Grant tells Macy that he spotted Thornecoming into the restaurant. Oh no, she exclaims, he can't see ustogether. He jumps under the table; there he has a good view of Macy'slegs and thighs. He begins caressing her legs. Macy is hardly able tobreathe. You can't do this, she insists. What is the matter? Didn'tyou shave this morning? Grant asks as he continues to rub up against herlegs. You can always get up and walk away, he tells her He then getsout from under the table. Thorne was never there, he says teasingly. Iwas going crazy wondering what you would feel like and what you wouldtaste like. He gets up and pulls her to her feet. I want you rightnow, he says as he pushes her back over the dinner table. Umm, this isso good, Grant says. Macy looks across the table at Grant who is goingutterly crazy at the taste of buffalo wings. Macy fans herself andtakes a peek under the table. It was only a fantasy, wasn't it?

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on B&B

Friday, September 19, 1997

by Gladys

Sheila is gazing down at a picture of her newborn baby. Mike tells herthat he is worried about her. She is a miracle, Mike, Sheila tellshim. And James and I made her. This maternal instinct is stronger thananything I have ever felt. Mike tries to tell her that he understands,but Sheila tells him he cannot understand. He tells her he is afraidfor her and she admits that she is afraid also. Every time I see her,she begins, but Mike interrupts. He is horrified that she has actuallyseen the baby.

I've seen her, I've felt her little heart beat next to mine, and I havefed her from my breast. I don't know if I can go on without her.

Amber apologizes to Maggie for what she's done. I know I got off on thewrong foot, but you have to believe me. I got sucked into this wholething. Sheila and I were friends but I never meant to hurt you or Dr.Warrick, and especially your beautiful little girl. Maggie tells Amberthat she once thought Sheila was her friend and she nearly ruined herlife.James visits Taylor at her home. She tells him that she is pregnant.She also tells him that she is not going to tell Ridge that the baby ishis; she has told him it is Thorne's baby. She tells him about seeingRidge and Brooke in bed together. Taylor tells James she's tired ofcompeting with Brooke; she still loves Ridge, she admits, and at leastthe child will be a reminder of that love. Taylor says she feels likeshe's finally taking her life back and assures James she'll make it.James tells her he will be there for her.

Ridge visits Stephanie. He is looking scruffy from lack of personalcare. He tells Stephanie that Taylor is pregnant. When Stephanie'sface lights up with joy, he tells her that the baby is Thorne's. Headmits that Thorne and Taylor are planning to marry.

Stephanie doesn't believe it. There is more to this, she says and Iplan to get to the bottom of it. I don't know why, but Taylor is nottelling you the truth. As she starts to leave, she tells Ridge that sheis going to see Taylor. Taylor has to look me in the eye and say it,she says.

Maggie fills Amber in on Sheila's past and even shows her newspaperclippings. She tells her of the kidnapping back in GC. She then saysAmber can keep her job, but she has to understand how importantprotecting Margaret is---which means keeping Sheila away. And now it istime for Margaret to be put to bed, she tells Amber. Amber gathers upMargaret and goes to the nursery.

Stephanie arrives at Taylor's house; I want the truth, she blurts out.Is this Thorne's baby?

The doorbell rings. Maggie opens the door and her eyes get big. It isSheila. I want my baby back! she tells Maggie.

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Edited by SC Desk