Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on B&B

SC Desk
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on B&B

After seeing Ridge in bed with Brooke, Taylor had a relapse and landed in the hospital again. Taylor told Ridge that she was pregnant with Thorne's baby. The minister found a photo of Eric and Lauren in bed, which had been taken from the sex tape, and Stephanie called off the wedding.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on B&B

Monday, September 8, 1997

by Soap Central

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Back at Spectra, Sally asks Darla if she is sure no one recognized her at theForrester wedding. Darla assures Sally, no one noticed she was there.Wouldn't it be great to see the look on Stephanie's face when she realizeswhat has happened, Sally muses.

At La Casa de Forrester, Amber marvels how "cool" it is to be at theForrester house. Bill Spencer introduces himself to Lauren. Lauren noteshis resemblance to her father. Eric is waiting for Ridge to arrive so thewedding can begin. It's not like him to be this irresponsible, Eric notes.Thorne thinks otherwise.

With Taylor also a no show, Stephanie asks Felicia to be her maid of honor.Eric phones Steph and asks if she wants to proceed without Ridge and Taylor.They agree to wait a while longer.

Taylor hopes to find Ridge at Brooke's when she hear them in the bedroom.Taylor is devastated when she finds Ridge in bed with Brooke. Taylor leavesbefore Ridge or Brooke notice she was there. In the limo, Taylor remembershow many times Ridge has hurt her in the past. Taylor then starts havingpain in her stomach and asks the limo driver to take her to the hospital!

Eric asks Thorne what happened between he and Taylor while they were away.What would make Taylor late for the wedding, Eric asks. Forget about it,Thorne advises, you'll know soon enough why Taylor went away with him.

Ridge stops himself from making love to Brooke. It turns out, they were noteven naked while in bed together. Taylor saw Ridge with no shirt on, butwith the sheets covering half his body. Ridge says he can't do this. He hasto go to the wedding. Brooke asks him to stay. Ridge professes his love toTaylor, thanks Brooke for being there and listening to him, then leaves forhis parent's wedding.

Eric and Stephanie agree to go ahead with the wedding without Ridge andTaylor. Steph hopes they have eloped. With the wedding beginning, Laurenlooks at Eric and thinks at what might have been. After Stephanie marches inand the minister begins the ceremony, he asks if there is anyone there whodoes not think they should be married.

Macy wonders with their showing only a few weeks away, why are Sally andDarla talking about Stephanie's wedding. Sally says there is a good reasonwhy they are talking about the wedding. With Darla's help, she sent over awedding present that is ticking and at any moment is getting ready to go off.

Before saying the traditional wedding vows, Eric and Stephanie share a fewthoughts of their own. Eric tells Stephanie how wonderful his life was whenthey were married before and how they never should have parted. Stephaniesays she has always loved Eric and has never given up on their love. Theminister continues the ceremony with reading from the Bible. Suddenly theminister stops, looks at his Bible again, then shockingly looks at Eric.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on B&B

Tuesday, September 9, 1997

by Soap Central

During Eric and Stephanie's wedding the minister recites passages from theBible about love. As the minister looks down at his Bible, he suddenly stopsreading and shockingly looks at Eric. He asks to speak to Eric and Stephaniein private, and no it can not wait. Stephanie directs them to the study.

Darla is feeling guilty for her part in sabotaging Eric and Stephanie'swedding. Eric is such a nice guy, Darla admits. Sally agrees Eric is nicebut Stephanie is cruel and she is going to get exactly what is coming to her.Grant wonders what Sally and Darla are so intense about. She and Darla gaveStephanie a gift on her wedding day, Sally confesses. But you loatheStephanie, Grant says. True, but this gift is educational. Whatever it is,I'm sure it's brillant, Grant says. He doesn't want to know what it is,because he has his own score to settle with the Forresters, Grant says.Sally thinks the tabloids should be notified of Eric and Stephanie's botchedwedding.

Everyone at the wedding is wondering what happen to stop the ceremony. Ridgefinally shows up. Thorne says to himself that you can't blame Ridge forbeing late. After all, he just found out he is going to be a father.Thinking Thorne has won Taylor, Ridge says congratulations are in order.Thorne thinks Ridge is talking about the news that he is going to be afather.

The minister explains to Eric and Stephanie why he stopped the ceremony. Hepulls a picture from his Bible and shows it to Eric. It's a picture of heand Lauren in bed together. The minister leaves and Stephanie wants to knowwhat is going on. Eric tries to tell Stephanie she doesn't want to see thepicture, but she insists. Eric apologizes and hands the picture toStephanie.

For someone who just found out his is going to be a father, he sure is in astrange mood, Thorne says about Ridge. Both Ridge and Thorne wonder whatcould have happen to stop the wedding. The minister gives Lauren a coldstare and shakes his head in disapproval.

Eric asks Steph not to overreact when she sees the picture. Stephanie can'tbelieve it's a picture of he and Lauren in bed. Eric says it was a mistakeand he told Lauren it was a mistake. It was a one time thing and it meantnothing, Eric explains. Stephanie asks why Eric didn't tell her in the firstplace instead of letting her humiliate herself in front of Lauren. He didn'ttell her because he didn't want to hurt her, Eric says. What hurts most isthat you found it so easy to lie, Steph tells Eric. You told you never sleptwith her, Steph says. At the time he hadn't, Eric explains. Stephanieconcludes that Eric slept with Lauren after he proposed to her. How couldyou do that to me, a humiliated Stephanie asks. Ever since they gotdivorced, she has prayed they would one day remarry, Stephanie says, now youhave thrown away 35 years of our lives because of some roll in the hay. Wasthat more important than me, Stephanie asks. Eric admits he had unresolvedfeelings for Lauren, but that is over now. Stephanie wonders why Eric didn'tjust pursue a relationship with Lauren while she still had some dignity left.

Lauren tells Maggie about the minister's strange looks at her. What everhappen between Eric and Stephanie happen because of me, Lauren says.

Unaware Taylor has been rushed to the hospital, Ridge and Thorne both ask eachother where Taylor is. One of the Forrester maids notifies Thorne he has anemergency phone call from the hospital regarding Taylor. Taylor's conditionis serious, Doctor Santana explains. Taylor has asked for Thorne butspecifically asks for Ridge not to come to the hospital.

Stephanie tells Eric she hopes his romp with Lauren was the best damn sex heever had because it is going to cost him. I will do whatever it takes tomake you my wife again, Eric says. I'm not giving up on you. Eric wants tocontinue the ceremony but Stephanie can not exchange sacred vows with a manwho has humiliated so bad. Eric asks for her to think about what isimportant. "One night does not erase all the beautiful years we've sharedtogether," Eric says. "Please tell me our love is worth fighting for and thatyou will marry me."

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on B&B

Wednesday, September 10, 1997

by Soap Central

After receiving the phone call fom Dr. Sanatana regarding Taylor's condition,Thorne races to the hospital. Before leaving, Thorne bumps into Ridge on theway out. Ridge wants to know where Thorne is running off to, but Thorne sayshe can't say. Ridge then runs into Jonathan, his lawyer during Grant'strial. Ridge explains his difficulty he is having with Taylor. Jonathansuggests Ridge talk to Taylor and try to work out their differences.

The wedding guests are still anxiously awaiting word if the wedding is goingto resume. Lauren thinks she is the reason the wedding is delayed due to theminister's cold stares at her.

Darla gets word from her friend at one of the tabloids. The press is stillhanging out at the Forresters and nothing out of the ordinary has happen.Darla doesn't think their plan worked. Give it time, Sally assures her.

Eric wants to put this ordeal with Lauren behind them. You have no idea whatyou have done to me, Stephanie tells Eric. I realize I have hurt you, butthe night with Lauren was just that, one night, Eric explains. Stephaniethink Eric wants to marry her to get rid of his guilt. Everything I haveaccomplished is because of you, Eric says. Can't you see how sorry I am?Would I stand here and beg you to marry me if I was still involved withLauren, Eric asks. You're never going to hurt me again because I won't letyou, Steph says.

Thorne arrives at the hospital to find Taylor sleeping. Taylor was luckythis time, the doctor says. She's and the baby are going to be fine. Thorneis unsure what happen to cause Taylor to be put in the hospital. Taylorawakens and is glad to see Thorne at her side.

Lauren tell Maggie she knew Eric could not go through with the wedding. Theminister stopped the wedding, not Eric, Maggie notes. Maybe the ministerknows how Eric really feels and that's why he called off the wedding, Laurensuggests.

Eric again asks Stephanie to go through with the ceremony. Stephanie wondershow he can expect her to listen to his wedding vows with Lauren sitting tenfeet away. We can get rid of Lauren, Eric says. Lauren will always bethere, Steph counters. Their thirty-five years together does not justify hisone night with Lauren, Steph continues. You and I belong together, Ericsays. Even in times after out divorce when we weren't speaking to eachother, I always respected you, Steph says. Now even that is gone. Beforeleaving, Steph notes how wonderful the past few weeks have been and now thatis gone.

Eric announces to the wedding guests that the wedding has been postponed. Hedoesn't give a reason why. Ridge asks where his mother is. She needed timealone, Eric informs and no he can not say why the wedding is postponed.

Lauren saunters down to the pool and pours herself a glass of champagne. Sheruns into Stephanie and tries to leave but the Queen wants to have a fewwords with her first!

Eric asks Maggie and Jonathan if they have seen Lauren. Neither has, butMaggie notes Lauren's car is still here so she must still be here also. Cometo think of it, Maggie says Stephanie hasn't been seen recently either.Hmmmm

Thorne realize Taylor had another panic attack, but why? Taylor says shecan't talk about it right now. She does say Thorne was right about Ridge allalong.

Ridge thanks Jonathan for his advice about Taylor. Ridge is determined tofind Taylor and work out their differences.

Darla gets an update from her friend at the tabloids. He said the Forresterwedding guests left early and no one was smiling. Sally is elated. Her planworked like a charm! Darla worries about Laurens safety since she is at theForrester wedding.

You probably dreamed of this moment, Stephanie says to Lauren. Eric made hisdecision and you couldn't accept it so you had to humiliate me in front of myfamily and friends, Steph continues. Lauren has no idea what Stephanie istalking about. "Oh you don't," Steph asks. "You lying whore!" Stephanieyells as she slaps Lauren.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on B&B

Thursday, September 11, 1997

by Soap Central

The wedding is called off and everyone wonders what happened. Thorne iswith Ridge when he gets a call from the hospital. The doctor tells himthat Taylor has been admitted again. He says he will get Ridge but thedoctor tells him Taylor doesn't want to see Ridge; she only wants to seeThorne.

Lauren is stunned; you slapped me, she gasps to Stephanie. Stephanietells Lauren that she is sick and sacrilegious. Lauren is confusedabout what she "has done." She can't understand why Stephanie is angrynor can she understand why the wedding was called off. She thinks Ericonly got "cold feet." Stephanie doesn't believe Lauren and chastisesher for acting so innocent. She tells her about the photo in the Bible.

Ridge wonders how his life could have fallen apart. He is consideringhis life with Taylor and his parent's wedding. How could it all havegone so wrong. Brooke arrives. He begins rehashing his problems withher. She tells him to let it go. This vendetta with Thorne has tostop, she tells him. Ridge tells her that it is about Taylor. He lovesher and he has to find her.

Thorne rushes to Taylor's side. He urges her to tell Ridge about thebaby. Taylor tells him no; she can't trust him any longer. He has didthis to her too many times. Sure he would come back to her for thebaby, but how can she accept him knowing he was with Brooke.

Lauren is dumbfounded when Stephanie tells her about the photo. Shedenies knowing anything about it or how it got into the Bible. As amatter of fact, she is totally unaware of the existence of any photo ofher and Eric. However, Stephanie doesn't believe her.

Thorne tells Taylor that there is another solution. He reminds her oftheir last night in Hawaii. Remember the dinner, the champagne?Things got a little out of hand and we slept together. Taylor istotally confused. Nothing like this happened. Thorne goes on. We willbe married and I will claim the baby, he suggests. When it is born, wewill just say it is premature. No one will ever know it wasn't hisbaby. And he would love the baby. He already feels close to it. Dr.Santana enters the room and discharges Taylor. But before she lets hergo, she warns Taylor in no uncertain terms that if she does not avoidstress, she will lose the baby.

Lauren tries to be reasonable with Stephanie. What advantage would shegain by using such a photo in such a way. Eric would never forgive herfor doing that. Stephanie won't listen. She calls Lauren a common slutand a liar. She reminds Lauren that she only recently pretended toapologize for her actions and promised to give up on Eric. This makesLauren angry and she says she is tired of holding back. She wasn'tpretending the other day when she tried to make her peace withStephanie. And she hasn't made any attempt at Eric since then. Shemeant it when she said she was giving him up. But now, whe is actuallyhappy that it was Stephanie's own self-righteousness which cost herEric. After all, it was Stephanie, not Eric, who actually called offthe wedding. Stephanie orders Lauren to leave. She never wants ato seeher again. They struggle and Stephanie pushes Lauren into the pool.

Brooke continues to tell Ridge that they belong together. She remindshim that Taylor is with Thorne now. She tells him that the way is wideopen for them. But Ridge will not listen. He tells Brooke that hecannot give Taylor up. He will get her some way. He doesn't know howbut he must. Don't you understand what I am telling you? he asks. Ilive her. I love Taylor and I have to have her back. The phone ringsand it is Taylor. We need to talk, Ridge implores. Taylor agrees andtells him to meet her at her house.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on B&B

Friday, September 12, 1997

by Gladys

As Amber finishes tucking the baby in for a nap, she calls Sheila. Sheis in the mood to chat about the Forresters'. When Sheila finds outthat both James and Maggie are out, she tells Amber that she is on herway.

Brooke is at home reliving a moment from the past. She is rememberingCaroline. As the tears flow down her face, she says to herself: "Youare wrong, Caroline. Ridge and I didn't end up together. Taylor hasRidge."

Thorne is with Taylor at the beach house. He warns her about the stressshe is under as he hands her a glass of water. Taylor isn't sure thatshe still wants to tell ridge that the baby inside of her is Thorne'swhen it is really Ridges' child. But Thorne convinces that it will befor the best. "Honey, you heard what the doctor said. You will notcarry this baby to term with this anxiety problem. This baby can have agood life." Just then, Taylor tenses up. She hears Ridge outside."What are you going to tell ridge?" Thorne asks. Ridge enters and isoverjoyed to see Taylor. He tries to dismiss his little brother, butTaylor tells him that Thorne should stay to hear what she has to say.

Ridge embraces Taylor. He only wants to know what happened in the lastcouple of days, he tells her. But Taylor starts questioning himinstead. Did you miss me? she wants to know. Were you worried aboutme? Were you waiting for me? Ridge accuses Thorne of feeding her abunch of lies; I guess he tried to convince you that I am chasingaround after Brooke Logan now that she is a free woman, he says.Taylor wonders aloud: And it wouldn't be true that you are chasingBrooke now that she is free, right? Then she blurts it out: what Iwanted to tell you about is that I am pregnant.

Sheila is at the door. Amber tries to keep her out, but Sheila pushespast Amber into the house. Where is the baby, she asks. When Amberwon't tell her, she decided that of course, the baby is in the nursery.She walks directly to the nursery and picks up the baby. After cuddlingthe baby for a while, she sits and opens her blouse for the baby. Youcan't do that! Amber yells. Amber is in a panic. What if Maggie comeshome? You can't be here! You can't breast fee the baby! Calmly, Sheilalooks up at Amber and tells her that it is important for the baby'ssecurity. She tells Amber to relax; all she is doing is bondingwith the baby. Amber is freaking out and is really annoyed that Sheilathinks she can visit with her baby each time that Amber is babysittingat the Warwicks' house. (She has totally forgotten that this is one ofher reasons for getting the job in the first place.) Sheila suggeststhen that they make alternate arrangements so that she can continue tovisit with her baby. Amber yells, "There is no way I would ever let yousee this baby outside ofthis house!"

Just then James gets home from his trip. He is calling out for Maggie;anyone home, he calls. Now Amber is really freaking out. She closesthe nursery door and tells Sheila that she is going to be toast if Jamessees her with the baby. They could even go to jailfor this, she cries. I'm not worried, Sheila replies calmly. Amberleaves the nursery to sidetrack James. She tells him that the baby hasjust been put down, but James only wants to see his princess. He makesa beeline for the nursery. When he gets to the nursery the baby is backin her crib. He picks her up and is cooing over her. Sheila opens thecloset door and gazes lovingly upon her James and their child. "Takecare of our baby, James" she whispers. She then quietly leaves thehouse.

Ridge is all excited and thrilled to hear about the pregnancy. Over andover he embraces Taylor while jabbering about how wonderful is thenews. Just wait until the family hears, he tells her. He asks Taylor:"How long has you know, Doc? Taylor, we are going to have a baby. Idon't believe this! Why didn't you tell me before? Listen Thorne can yougive me some time alone with Taylor? I cant wait to tell my family thisincredible news."

Once again, he hugs Taylor. Taylor is crying as she begins: "I wasjust gone for two days.what were you doing?" she asks. Were going crazy without me? Ridgetells her that, yes, he was going crazy. He was imagining all sorts ofthings. He was trying to figure out what could have happened. Oneminute they were planning a life together and the next she had gone awaywith Thorne. But that is all past, Ridge tells her as he once againembraces her. Taylor is held tightly to Ridge but she remembers all thetimes he has left her in the past. She pulls away from him, cryinghard now. Life is upsetting sometimes Ridge, she says as she backs awayfrom him. There is something else I have to tell you, she begins. Shegoes to Thorne. This baby isn't yours, she tells Ridge. Ridge isconfused. Not mine? It is Thorne's. Thorne is the father, Taylor tellshim. This baby is Thorne's. But how? Ridge gasps. Thorne pipes inthat the last night in Hawaii he proposed to Taylor and things sort ofgot out of hand and romantic.

Ridge is in total shock. "NO, it is not possible." He throws hislittle brother over the coffee table. He then begins to beat Thornewith his fists. All the time, Taylor is screaming at him to stop. Shegrabs his arm. Ridge rounds on her and pulls his arm away from her."You slept with my brother! AFTER EVERYTHING WE TALKED ABOUT, YOU SLEPTWITH MY BROTHER. THIS IS SICK! YOU TWO DESERVE EACH OTHER! YOU BOTHMAKE ME WANT TO VOMIT." He turns to leave, swiping a lamp off thetable as he passes it. He picks up a flower vase and throws it againstthe wall as he walks out of the house.

Thorne tries to comfort Taylor, but she tells him not to touch her. Shedoesn'twant to be touched by anyone.

Meanwhile, out on the beach, a devastated Ridge falls to the sand andhowls out his pain.

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Edited by SC Desk