Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 1, 1997 on B&B

SC Desk
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 1, 1997 on B&B

Stephanie's wedding date arrived, and Sally set out to use the Eric and Lauren's sex tape to hurt Stephanie. Amber was ecstatic when Maggie asked her to babysit during the Forrester wedding. Convinced that Taylor had chosen Thorne, a drunken Ridge wound up in Brooke's bed.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 1, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 1, 1997 on B&B

Monday, September 1, 1997

by Soap Central

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Due to CBS's coverage of the U.S. Open tennis tournament, The Bold and the Beautiful did not air today.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 1, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 1, 1997 on B&B

Tuesday, September 2, 1997

by Soap Central

Stephanie reflects on how Sally told her she will wind up bitter and alone.Stephanie tells herself she is not going to allow Sally to spoil her mood.Eric and Stephanie's wedding is within 24 hours and Stephanie couldn't behappier. She is finally going to marry the man she has loved for so manyyears.

Sally, meanwhile, is reeling that once again, Queen Stephanie has gotten toher. Sally is upset over Stephanie's latest visit in which Stephanie actedso smug. It was everything she had not to play the tape of Eric and Lauren,Sally tells Darla. Lauren comes into Sally's office and Sally gives her anenvelope from Stephanie. It is an invitation to Eric and Stephanie'swedding. Lauren can't believe Stephanie would invite her. Maybe she isextending the olive branch, Lauren suggests. Sally says this is just anotherone of Stephanie's ploys. Stephanie wants to rub Lauren's nose in it thatshe is marrying Eric, Sally says. Lauren is going to have to make a decisionabout going to the wedding.

Taylor is anxious to tell Ridge she is carrying his child, but with the heavyrain, leaving the cabin to go back to LA would be a risk. Taylor tries usingthe phone but the lines are down. Taylor is determined to tell Ridge abouther pregnancy. Thorne suggests they use his Jeep to get back to LA.

Brooke asks Ridge to make love to her. What she and Ridge have is nothing towhat he shares with Taylor, Brooke says. Ridge turns away, claiming his lovefor Taylor is too strong to betray her. People are getting hurt because weare not together, Brooke says. Grant, Taylor have both been hurt due toRidge and Brooke not admitting their real feelings for each other. Ridgesays while Brooke was married to Grant, he and Taylor got close again, and heis not going to lose that. Don't paint Taylor as a saint, Brooke says. Sheran off with Thorne again, now what does that tell you, Brooke asks. He hasto keep the faith, they way Taylor kept the faith in him while he was injail, Ridge says. Ridge admits he does not know why Taylor left with Thorne,but it is only a matter of time before Taylor is back home.

Stephanie's friend Ruthanne surprises her by coming in town for the wedding.Steph and Ruthanne catch up and talk about the upcoming wedding. Eric comeshome and is delighted to see Ruthanne. Eric says it will be such a joy to besurrounded by friends at the wedding. Eric also says is was gracious ofStephanie to invite Lauren to the wedding. Before leaving, Eric asksStephanie not to forget she is his whole life.

Sally believes the reason Stephanie invited Lauren to the wedding is just tosee Lauren suffer. Sally is determined not to stand by and let Stephanie getaway with it. The tape she has of Eric and Lauren making love is enoughammunition to blow Stephanie's wedding to pieces, Sally plots.

Ridge resists Brooke's advances one more time. Brooke says he can not walkout and not think about the life they can still have together. Brooke saysshe is not giving up on Ridge. Soon, they will be together.

Thorne and Taylor are on their way home in the pouring rain at Big Bear.Taylor is so happy she will finally be able to tell Ridge she is carryinghis child.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 1, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 1, 1997 on B&B

Wednesday, September 3, 1997

by Soap Central

At La Casa de Forrester, Stephanie notes how lucky she is to have such aglorious day for her wedding. Felicia brings her breakfast in bed and tellsher mother how happy she is for both her mother and father. Felicia hopesSally Spectra isn't on the guest list. That is one person you do not have toworry about appearing at the wedding, Steph reassures her daughter.

Lauren drops by Maggies for a visit. Maggie wonders how Lauren is doing nowthat Eric is going to marry Stephanie. Lauren says she is moving on with herlife. The reason Stephanie gave Lauren an invitation is to end to hostilitybetween the two of them, Maggie suggests. Lauren thinks Steph just wants togloat. There is no way she can ever be friends with Stephanie again, Laurensays.

Amber is reading about the Forrester wedding in the paper while Sheila isremembering the time she recently had with Margaret. Amber encourages Sheilato start dating again. It's not healthy for you to sit around moping, Ambersays. Amber dreams that someday she might become a Forrester.

Ridge stops by Eric's office to congratulate him on his upcoming marriage.Eric asks if he has heard from Taylor. Ridge admits he has not heard fromher. He's been calling her for the past two days and doesn't know what tothink anymore. Taylor's running off with Thorne has left him disillusioned,Ridge admits.

Sally plots what she is going to do with the tape of Eric and Lauren makinglove. This tape deserves to be seen, she says, but by whom? Sally admits itis so tempting to show Steph the tape on her wedding day. What wouldStephanie do if she saw this tape, wonders Sally. Probably lose her mind.Since Lauren is involved, Sally decides to show the tape to someone besidesthe Queen.

Maggie says the reason she invited Lauren over is to persuade her to come tothe wedding with her since James is out of town for a few days. Besides, youneed to see the reality of Eric marrying Stephanie, Maggie tells Lauren.Lauren agrees she needs to see if the wedding will actually happen. Shewants to see if Eric's love for Stephanie is as strong as he says it is,Lauren says.

Ridge asks Eric when Taylor said she made a decision regarding choosingbetween he and Thorne, what direction was Taylor leaning? Eric said he feltTaylor was choosing to have a life with Ridge but he can't be certain. Ridgestarts to feel that Thorne is the one Taylor has chosen to spend the rest ofher life with. Look at the evidence, she ran off again with Thorne. Ridgetells Eric he is going to stop fooling himself that he and Taylor have afuture and wishes Thorne luck with Taylor. He already feels like a fool forholding out for her, Ridge says.

Amber is excited when she gets a call from Maggie asking her to babysitMargaret while she is at the Forrester wedding. Amber can't believe she willactually be in the Forrester mansion at Beverly Hills.

Taylor phones Eric to locate Ridge. Taylor admits she should have contactedRidge sooner, but when she got home last night, the medication she was takingmade her so drowsy, she went right to bed. Eric tells Taylor that Ridge wentto Brooke's to take care of a few things before the wedding. Taylor saysEric will understand everything before the day is over, but right now she hasto get to Ridge and tell him some wonderful news.

Stephanie admits to Felicia she is excited but also calm. You're calmbecause it is obvious that dad is in love with you and wants to spend to restof his life with you, Felicia says.

Sally has a plan regarding who she will play the tape to. It is not a foolproof plan, but with a little luck and Darla's help, the plan should work.That cold-hearted Stephanie does not deserve a man like Eric, Sally muses.Let's see to it that she doesn't get him!

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 1, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 1, 1997 on B&B

Thursday, September 4, 1997

by Soap Central

Stephanie is getting ready for the wedding. Felicia brings thebride-to-be breakfast in bed. It is going to be a glorious day for awedding. Felicia couldn't be happier to have her parents remarrying.

Stephanie finally hears from Taylor. I was too tired to call lastnight, she tells Steph. But I am on my way. First, she says, I have tostop by and see Ridge. She hints that she has something to tell Ridgeand it will make Stephanie happy.

Maggie and RuthAnne arrive. Everyone is giggling and being excited.Stephanie tells her bridesmaids that Taylor is on her way.

Eric is getting ready for the big day. Thorne arrives and Eric wants toknow what is going on and where he has been. Thorne is evasive but sayshe will know all about it later. He wonders where Ridge is.

Bill Spencer and Jonathan join the men. They also wonder where Ridgeis.

Ridge arrives at Brooke's house; he has some papers that he mustdeliver. Brooke notices that Ridge is a little tipsy. She remarks thathe should be at the wedding, but Ridge says he is not in the mood for awedding. He starts to leave but Brooke tells him he is in no conditionto drive. I'm fine, Ridge insists. Brooke tells him he isn't fine andshe is going to make him a BIG pot of coffee. Make it a Vodka, Ridgesays as he heads for the bar. He pours himself a "tall one" and toastsThorne for winning Taylor. I just hope you can give her what I can't,he says with bitterness. Brooke makes him another drink but she spillsit on him. Oh-oh, she says as she takes his shirt from him. She goesupstairs to get him another.

Taylor jumps into the limo. To the Forrester's, he asks as he drivesoff. No, Taylor tells him, first we make a stop at Brooke's house. Shegives him the address and begins to give instructions on getting there.She is excited about telling Ridge that she is pregnant---and she can'thelp but relish the idea of telling Brooke also.

Brooke arrives with a shirt for Ridge. It is one that he left thereonce upon a time----you did once live here, she reminds him coyly. Shecontinues to flirt and act suggestive with him, but he says he has toleave. As he turns to go, he almost passes out. Brooke catches him andtakes him upstairs.

Lauren is standing around looking uncomfortable. I shouldn't be here,she is thinking. Amber walks up to her and is all excited to be at sucha festive occasion. It is all Lauren can do to be sociable. As theytalk, Darla sneaks in disguised as a member of the caterers staff. Shefinds a phone and calls Sally. It isn't going to be as easy as wethought, she tells Sally. Of course it will be simple, Sally tellsDarla. Just stick to the plan and don't get cold feet now. Rememberwhat's at stake.

Taylor arrives at Brooke's home and walks inside calling out for Brookeor Ridge. There is no one around and no one answers her call. Wonderwhere he can be, she muses. Then she remembers that Ridge was bringover some papers. So they must be in the office, she tells herself asshe heads upstairs. As she is walking down the hallway, she hearslaughter and giggling from the bedroom. Looking inside, she is shockedby what she sees. Ridge is in bed with Brooke!

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 1, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 1, 1997 on B&B

Friday, September 5, 1997

by Gladys

Due to CBS's coverage of the U.S. Open tennis tournament, The Bold and the Beautiful did not air today.

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Edited by SC Desk