Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 21, 1997 on B&B

SC Desk
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 21, 1997 on B&B

Grant tightened security at his house for the masquerade ball, but dressed as Zorro, Ridge swung from the chandelier and escaped. The private detective gathered the Forrester family together to hear his theories about who had shot grant. Taylor, however, feared that the detective was on the wrong track.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 21, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 21, 1997 on B&B

Monday, April 21, 1997

by Soap Central

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Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 21, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 21, 1997 on B&B

Tuesday, April 22, 1997

by Soap Central

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 21, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 21, 1997 on B&B

Wednesday, April 23, 1997

by Soap Central

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 21, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 21, 1997 on B&B

Thursday, April 24, 1997

by Soap Central

EL HOTEL:Ridge is watching television when there is a knock at the door. It isClaudia; Stephanie was worried about Ridge and sent her to check in on him.She has made enchiladas. She teases Ridge about being Zoro; Ridge playsdumb and says it must have been some "nut," but Claudia says he definitelywasn't a nut and that Taylor was impressed. Claudia tells Ridge that shethinks she knows who shot Clark: Enrique!

GRANT'S OFFICE:Hunter is questioning Grant. He challenges Grant to give it up; to tellthe truth. Grant gives in to Hunter's request for the truth, by telling along involved story about the shooting. He just couldn't "hurt his wifeand children" by revealing who the real culprit was: Santa Claus! He thenasks Hunter if he really thinks Grant would change his story. He admitsthat he wishes that Ridge would fall off the face of the earth, but hestill insists that it was Ridge who shot him. He asks Hunter to leave--tostop bothering him and his employees. Hunter says he'll give Grant hiswish, if Grant will only come with him to the police station to look at theevidence.

THE PRIVATE DINING ROOM:James asks Maggie to toast "to us", and she does - but being in the privatedining room, Maggie can't help but notice how different they are now. Theyaren't anything alike, Maggie says. Here they are in the Private DiningRoom---where James is most comfortable---while she is more comfortable in amore casual setting. She tells James that he wouldn't be comfortable inIowa, but he says he would--he would be comfortable anywhere, including themoon, as long as Maggie was therewith him. RIDGE'S HOTEL:Claudia tells Ridge that Enrique is capable of shooting Grant. She saysthat he did it out of ambition - that's the way the Alvarez family works.They want you to owe them so they can come back later and collect from you.Ridge asks for proof, and Claudia says she will have it; she intends toget the proof and from Enrique himself. Ridge is uneasy; he doesn't wantClaudia at risk. Ridge promises to tell Hunter everything Claudia hastold her. As she leaves, he wonders if Enrique really could be the one.

THE POLICE STATION:The evidence is laid out before them. Hunter goes over the evidence withGrant and Lt. Baker--Grant explains everything away but hesitates as he isviewing one piece of evidence. However, when Hunter asks if he seessomething unusual, he says no.

THE PRIVATE DINING ROOM: James tells Maggie that their differences are gifts to be cherished.However, Maggie points out there is one other obstacle for them; what aboutSheila? James tries to empathize with Maggie and how she feels. Maggiesays that even she doesn't know how she feels. She knew it would be toughand she thought it would be worth it, but now she isn't sure she can go onwith it.

THE HOTEL:Taylor comes to see Ridge in his room; he says it was dangerous to come,but she reminds him of the risks he took last night. Ridge says hisactions were "daring and romantic," but Taylor says it stupid. What ifBridget had seen him arrested? They could have found easier ways to seeeach other, she points out.

THE POLICE STATION:Hunter asks Grant what he has seen. Grant says Hunter is wrong; all theevidence, like the award and the piping is irrelevant, and he wants Hunterto stay away. Grant leaves but Hunter remains. He is looking at theevidence table and has a very thoughtful expression on his face.

JAMES AND MAGGIE:James asks Maggie if he was worth it, and she says yes; but, she tells him,she feels irrelevant when he and Sheila share stuff about the baby.James tells Maggie she is the most wonderful woman he's ever met.Everything he does, including the baby, he does for her. They embrace.

RIDGE'S ROOM:Ridge says the real reason Taylor is there is because she misses him. Shedenies it, but when he leans over to kiss her, she doesn't resist. Hetells her that his memories of her make him crazy, like when they weremarried. They are interrupted by the telephone. It is Hunter; he thinkshe knows who is the shooter; He tells Ridge to meet him at his family'shome in 30 minutes and he will tell him the name of the shooter.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 21, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 21, 1997 on B&B

Friday, April 25, 1997

by Gladys

LAUREN'S COTTAGE:Michael visits Lauren--she's worried because Hunter wants to meet her atthe Forrester Estate. Lauren thinks Michael has nothing to worryabout---unless she is the guilty party, she laughs.THE FORRESTER'S:Claudia tells Thorne that he should be relieved that Ridge is beingcleared, but Thorne worries that Hunter might have the wrong guy: him.Claudia tells Thorne she knows who it is, and she has shared thatinformation with Hunter.

Ridge arrives home; Stephanie and Jonathan greet him as Thornecomes in. Thorne hopes this will all be over now. He tells Ridge that heis glad that he will be cleared, but Ridge doesn't seem convinced ofThorn's sincerety.

Enrique appears nervous, but Claudia tells him to relax. After all, shesays, he is innocent until proven guilty.

When everyone is present, hunter begins his soliloquy. He informs them hethinks he knows who shot Grant.

TAYLOR'S HOME:Grant visits Taylor; he is happy to see a friendly face. He tells herabout his meeting with Hunter. He calls the P. I. a fraud. Taylor tellshim Ridge is with Hunter at the moment, and he thinks he knows who theshooter is. Grant laughs at this; he knows who the shooter is. He thenasks Taylor if cases of traumatic amnesia are really exist. She thinks heis talking about himself--that he has blocked out the real person who shothim. However, Grant believes the person who shot him--Ridge--has blockedout the crime. But Taylor does not think that is the case, based on whatshe knows about Ridge.

Hunter begins by explaining that at first he thought the person who shotGrant must have been blinded to logic by rage and hatred--like Michael, he says. Hunter presents a possible scenario whereMichael took the gun to keep it out of everyones way. Then when she sawGrant alone, she remembered her hurt and humilation. She shot Grant out ofhatred. She was then confronted by Grant and and agreed to keep thesecret. That way they both got what they wanted: she would stay out ofprison and Ridge would be out of Grant's way. Michael denies that she didit. When Claudia jumps to Michael's defense, Hunter admits that thescenario he presented was his first impression of the shooting--but now hebelieves the shooting wasn't a crime of passion at all but a deliberate actset up so Ridge would take the blame. Hunter brings up the gunshotresidue, which must have been placed on Ridge's hands--that implies asetup. Claudia says that it was Enrique who did it. Enrique is shockedby Claudia's announcement.Hunter then presents a scenario where Enrique shot Grant out of revenge andhatred. Enrique declares himself an expert marksman. If it had been him,he wouldn't have missed. But Hunter points to the broken handle of the gunas a reason Enrique missed. Hunter then agrees with Enrique that there isa flaw in Claudia's theory - why would Enrique set up his greatestsupporter--Ridge? Jonathan asks him to get to the point; they came tofind out who did the shooting, not who didn't do it. Hunter then explainsthat he had to change tactics once again. What if the shooter wanted toget Ridge out of the way; like Thorne, for instance?

TAYLOR'S PLACE:Lauren comes to Taylor and asks what's going on. Taylor says that if she'sright about Hunter's suspicions, the P.I. has to be wrong. Why, Lauren,wants to know. Taylor tells Lauren about Hunter's suspicions of Thorne,and hopes Ridge realizes how ridiculous that is.

THE FORRESTERS:Hunter describes how Thorne could have ducked out the day of the shooting;he could have gone up the back stairs, gotten the gun and shot Grant. Hethen could have rushed back down to his office without being seen ormissed--all to get Taylor away from Ridge. Ridge insists his brotherwouldn't do this. Hunter then agrees, pointing out Thorne didn't knowabout the gun. And this leaves only one person, and that is...........

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