Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of February 24, 1997 on B&B

SC Desk
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of February 24, 1997 on B&B

Lauren encouraged Stephanie to go after Eric but was upset when she saw them having dinner together. Taylor set her house and herself on fire after Ridge was late for their date on the beach. Thorne saved Taylor's life, and at the hospital, Taylor gave Thorne her engagement ring and said she didn't want to ever see Ridge again. Maggie was upset when she walked in on James and Sheila bonding over an ultrasound. Lauren signed with Spectra. Grant vowed to make Forrester all his.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of February 24, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of February 24, 1997 on B&B

Monday, February 24, 1997

by Soap Central

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Discussing her feelings for Eric with Lauren, Stephanie admits her fearthat Eric is seeing another woman. Lauren insists that Eric wouldn't dothat. Stephanie continues to downplay the possibility of a love affairwith her ex- husband but Lauren reminds her that her dreams have cometrue before and urges her to go after Eric. After Lauren leaves, Ericarrives and surprises Stephanie by ordering her to get dressed becausehe's taking her out to dinner. In Brooke's office, Ridge angrily warns Grant and Connor that Brookewould never sign a document giving Grant her control of Forrester butBrooke reveals her decision to give this matter some thought beforeacting. After Grant and Connor leave, Ridge warns Brooke that she'sallowing Grant to take advantage of their relationship but Brookeinsists that Grant has been a good and trustworthy friend. When she askshim why he isn't with Taylor, Ridge suddenly remembers his date with herand runs out. Upset that Ridge is so late, Taylor finally calls Forrester and hearsfrom Megan that Ridge has been in Brooke's office with a demand thatthey not be disturbed. Angry and feeling betrayed, Taylor pops thechampagne open and eventually drinks most of the bubbly. She heads toher house but stumbles along with the way, knocking over a lantern whichsets the house on fire as she falls to the floor, unconscious.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of February 24, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of February 24, 1997 on B&B

Tuesday, February 25, 1997

by Soap Central

Eric brings Stephanie to the Caf Russe where she asks him why he'sasking her out tonight. Eric claims that he simply wanted to be withher. When Stephanie hints that she thinks he's seeing someone right now,Eric finally admits that he was dating but the woman broke it off. Hethen changes the topic of conversation and invites her to the dance floor. Lauren arrives and takes a seat at the bar by herself only tobecome upset when she spots them dancing.

Thorne arrives at the beach where Ridge was to have a picnic dinnerwith Taylor. He finds no one there but then spots flames coming fromTaylor's beach house. He rushes to the house and bursts through theflames to find Taylor and carry her to safety. He calls 911 and thenreturns to comfort Taylor but reels in horror as he finally looks at herhorribly burned face. The ambulance finally arrives and rushes Taylorand Thorne to the hospital. Ridge arrives later but can't find Taylor.The firemen can't help since they don't know where she was taken. Hecalls Stephanie who has just returned home and reports on the fire.Thorne asks at the desk how Taylor is. The doctor reports that she'sbeen burned badly but allows Thorne to visit her for a minute afterexplaining that his efforts at her house saved Taylor's life. He isshocked at the sight of her bandaged face. Taking her hand, Thorneassures Taylor she will be okay.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of February 24, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of February 24, 1997 on B&B

Wednesday, February 26, 1997

by Soap Central

Grant arrives at home and surprises Brooke when he starts massaging herneck and though she responds to his gentle touch, she pulls back when hesuddenly starts kissing her. Reminded of Thorne's statement that Ridgewill soon be free from Taylor, she explains that she can't make love tohim tonight and heads upstairs while Grant remains determined toconsummate his marriage.

Stephanie reveals to Claudia the call from Ridge about Taylor and thefire at her beach house. She confides her concern that her son wasn'twith Taylor as he should have been.

Thorne tries to comfort Taylor as she lies in her hospital bed with herface wrapped to protect her extensive burns. He explains how he foundher in her burning beach house and carried her to safety before callingthe fire department. She finally remembers how upset she was with Ridgefor failing to show for their beach date because he was withBrooke. Complaining about Ridge's betrayal, Taylor removes herengagement ring and hands it to Thorne, asking him to give it back tohis brother and tell him that she never wants to see him again. Aftercountless phone calls, Ridge finally locates the hospital where Tayloris being cared for and rushes in, demanding to see Taylor. Thorne greetshim with the news that Taylor doesn't want to see him.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of February 24, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of February 24, 1997 on B&B

Thursday, February 27, 1997

by Soap Central

Maggie visits Lauren when she goes to get her car. Maggie asks ifanything has happened while she was away. But Lauren doesn't know ofanything. Lauren tells Maggie that Ridge and Taylor are supposed to seta date tonight.

Thorne and Ridge argue about Ridge disturbing Taylor. Ridge threatensThorne so Thorne will tell him where Taylor is. But Thorne won'tbudge. The doctor breaks up Thorne and Ridge before they get out ofhand. Ridge asks if Taylor will be all right.

James thinks about being a father. He can hardly wait. Sheila tellsJames that she thinks he will be a great father. Sheila just wants bestfor their baby. Sheila tells James she has a special home movie forthem to see. James is skeptical.

The doctor tells Ridge that Taylor has both first and second degreeburns. The doctor lets Ridge know that Thorne saved her life. Thornetells Ridge what happened with the accident. He lays into him for beinglate.

Maggie lets Lauren know that she refuses to let Sheila come between herand James. She doesn't think that James will like a big fat woman sinceSheila should be getting bigger soon. Lauren warns Maggie not to trustSheila. Sheila always has something up her sleeve. Maggie believes inher husband. She leaves to go surprise her husband. Meanwhile, Sheilaturns down the lights to set the ambiance for the movie.

Thorne blames Ridge for Taylor drinking and setting the house on fire.

James and Sheila watch an ultrasound of their baby. Maggie comes inand sees them bonding over the baby. Sheila tells him she wants to givehim a happy baby. Maggie is shocked by what she sees.

Thorne tells Ridge that Taylor knows why he was late. Thorne says, "Ifshe had to rely on you, she'd be dead." Thorne orders Ridge to leave. When Ridge tells him that she is his fiancée, Thorne says "notanymore." Thorne pulls out Taylor's engagement ring and tells himTaylor doesn't want it anymore. Thorne says, "She's through with you,Ridge." Thorne walks off.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of February 24, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of February 24, 1997 on B&B

Friday, February 28, 1997

by Soap Central

Spectra gets ready for Lauren's arrival. Lauren tells herself that shehas to move on as she knocks on Clarke's door.

Eric tells Megan to track down Ridge for the business meeting fordesigners. Grant wonders why Enrique is at a designer's meeting. Ericthen informs Enrique that he has been promoted to designer and that willentitle him to a raise. Grant is outraged when Eric tells him he isEnrique's mentor. Eric tells Grant to make the changes on a design theway he specified.

Maggie wakes up looking very ruffled only to find Sheila has made Jamesbreakfast and is waiting on him hand and foot. When James says he hasto leave Sheila gets his briefcase for him and tells him she put in somefruit because she knows how much he likes it. Maggie sighs and looksvery worried.

Sally welcomes Lauren to Spectra. She introduces everyone to Lauren. They have a business meeting. Macy suggests they have a pressconference at a hotel. Lauren looks distracted. Clarke gets thecontract out for Lauren to sign. She sits to sign them and stops,saying, "I can't! I need more time." Sally tells her she can use theoffice to think it over and they all leave.

Maggie gets frustrated when she can't find the tea. Sheila says, "Wemoved it over here. Anything you need help with just let me know." Maggie lets Sheila know she saw them watching the ultrasound. Sheilaand Maggie argue about James and Sheila sharing something that Maggiecouldn't understand. Sheila tells her that obviously she agrees orwould have chosen to interrupt them watching the video. Sheila tellsMaggie that she was hoping Sheila would revert back to her old ways andthen she would know that James would want nothing to do with her.

Eric wonders what happened with Lauren. He wonders if he said yes toher designs if things would turn out differently. He fantasizes aboutwhat things would've been like if he had accepted her designs. In hisfantasy, he gives her a ring and asks her to marry him. Of course, shesays yes.

Lauren wonders how she can forget Eric. Clarke walks in and sees thatLauren has been crying. Clarke says, "Just thought I would check to seehow you were doing. Looks like a good thing I did."

Maggie tells Sheila that she is diluting herself if she thinks Jameswants her. She lets her know that once the baby is born, she is out. Sheila tells her that a child has a right to be loved by both of theparents. Maggie reminds her that she told James that it is either heror Sheila. Maggie says, "I haven't changed my mind and neither hasJames." Maggie leaves the roof in a huff. Sheila says to herself, "Youor me. All right Maggie, if that's the way you want it."

Enrique asks Grant what he is up to. Grant tells him to back off. Before Grant storms out of the office, he says, "I will not work thisway!"

Clarke tells Lauren that he will do anything to keep her happyprofessionally or otherwise. He tells her that they can make fashionhistory. He tells her that she will forget all about Eric. There is along silence before she tells him he has a new partner.

Megan tells Eric that Ridge just called and Taylor has been in a fire. He is to meet Ridge at the house. Eric is in a hurry to get home, butGrant wants to talk about the changes. Megan tells Grant that none ofthe Forresters are in the office. Grant says to himself, "I've had it! Time to make my move. If they are too busy to run this company, fine. I will make this company all mine."

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Edited by SC Desk