Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 18, 1987 on B&B

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Stephanie blasted Bill for pitting her sons against each other
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 18, 1987 on B&B

Stephanie blasted Bill for pitting her sons against each other. Furious about Bill's interfering, Caroline accepted a dinner date with Ridge but warned him not to get ahead of himself. Tensions flared when Donna got caught sneaking off to a beach party with Mark.

Alex wants to be the first to sample the newly single Ridge
Alex wants to be the first to sample the newly single Ridge

Alex wants to be the first to sample the newly single Ridge

Monday, May 18, 1987

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by Chanel S. Garner

In the morning at Margo's place, Margo and Bill sat down for a breakfast she'd cooked, and Bill remarked that he hadn't slept that well since Marianne had died. He laughed, thinking of the wonderful, close marriage he'd had with Marianne. He hoped it didn't trouble Margo that he was talking about his "wife" that way. Margo thought he was lucky because not many marriages were so compatible. Bill replied that he'd been determined to have a good marriage.

Bill revealed that his father had been a womanizer, and his mother had known about it. He could remember the nights she'd cried herself to sleep while his father had been out "God only knows where." Bill had sworn he'd never do that to a wife and that he'd never let a man do it to his daughter. He said that was why he found Ridge so abhorrent. Bill threatened to strangle Ridge if Caroline ever had to endure what Bill's mother had.

Margo tried to reassure Bill that Caroline was out on her own and away from Ridge. Bill divulged that Caroline was still seeing Ridge and possessed a boxed engagement ring. Margo asked what that meant. Bill didn't know, but he knew of a person who might have the answers.

At the Forrester mansion, Thorne found Ridge drying off after a swim. Ridge joked about Thorne taking over in marketing someday when Ridge took over the company at Eric's retirement. Thorne didn't see that happening anytime soon. Thorne was about to head to work and asked if Ridge would see Caroline that day. Ridge wondered what had made Thorne ask that. Thorne claimed to always be interested in what his big brother was up to.

The poolside phone rang, and Ridge directed Thorne to answer it for Ridge. When Thorne did so, he heard Bill Spencer on the line. Bill asked Thorne to meet at Bill's place to talk about something private. Bill believed Thorne knew what it was about and said he would be discreet.

Later, Ridge was relaxing alone by the pool when someone trickled cold water on his hair. He opened his eyes and saw Alex standing there, giggling in a bathing suit. She'd called Forrester and the mansion and had learned that he was by the pool and not at work. She hoped he didn't mind her dropping by. Ridge quipped that she hadn't given him a choice.

The flirty Alex said she had thought she'd check the newly single Ridge out. He told her not to read tabloid trash. She asked if his wedding had been called off. "For the moment, anyway," Ridge replied. Ridge admired her bathing suit. She figured he'd like it, since he'd bought it for her in Cannes. She hoped he remembered. Grinning, he admitted that he did.

Alex asked when Ridge would be officially back on the market. Ridge replied that she'd be the first to know, but he really wanted to work things out with Caroline. He wanted it really badly.

Alex kissed him and asked how long it had been. "Too long," he replied. Alex thought he was the last man who was cut out to be celibate. She asked why he would hold out for something that wasn't meant to be when he and Alex could have it all.

Alex kissed Ridge again. She shrieked when he poured cold water over her. He announced that it was time for her to cool down. Laughing, Alex guessed he really had changed. It was kind of nice, she added, and she hoped that Caroline deserved his effort.

Back at Margo's, Margo and Bill held each other. He hated having to get back to the office. He thanked her for the previous night, and she said that it was her pleasure. "Not true. Not true at all," he uttered, grinning. He'd never thought he'd feel that way again.

Margo was happy to see Bill relaxed. Bill replied that he'd rest when Ridge was out of Caroline's life. Margo said Bill couldn't control that. "We'll see," he responded. Bill was eager to see Margo again soon and said she was the best thing that had happened to him in a long time.

Later, Bill Spencer was at his condo when Thorne arrived. Thorne figured that Bill wanted information about Ridge. Bill said he wouldn't put Thorne in a position to compromise his brother, but Bill was also sure that Thorne didn't condone what Ridge had done to Caroline.

Thorne felt bad for what Caroline was going through. Bill asked where Caroline and Ridge stood. Thorne only knew that Ridge was hopeful about things. Bill asked if Thorne thought there was a chance, but Thorne figured only Caroline knew that. Bill conveyed that it was a shame she hadn't met Thorne first. "She got herself involved with the wrong brother," Bill surmised.

At Caroline's apartment, Caroline was called in for an interview with a publications company. She arrived eager to sell herself, but the employer let her know that they'd filled the position in the time it had taken her to get there. Caroline was crushed. The employer said there would be other jobs, and she had a lot to offer. "I hope so," she replied. She left, holding back tears.

When Caroline returned home, she brooded alone. Bill arrived, and she grabbed him and hugged him as she cried. He assumed Ridge had done something, but she said it wasn't about Ridge. She didn't want to talk about it and said she could handle things herself. Bill reasoned that it was nice to have someone to talk to, and he and Caroline had been good at that in the past.

Caroline revealed what had happened with the job interview. She didn't know what it took to get a job in that town and wondered why the only man who'd wanted to hire her hadn't had business on his mind. Bill became upset that someone had made advances on her, but she replied that nothing had happened. She was just discouraged that everything went against her.

Bill said he wanted to help, but Caroline insisted she needed to do it on her own. He said he missed his daughter and couldn't believe something had gotten between them. Caroline said she missed Bill, too, but it couldn't be helped. Bill thought it could be if she got rid of Ridge. She refused to talk about Ridge, but Bill snapped up the ring box on the table and asked her to say she wouldn't let Ridge back into her life. Caroline revealed that she intended to return the ring, but she wanted Bill to stay out of it.

A delivery arrived for Caroline. Ridge had sent her a big boutique box. Inside, there was a sexy blue dress with a note asking if she'd wear it that night for dinner with him.

Bill steals Caroline
Bill steals Caroline's ring and gives it back to Ridge

Bill steals Caroline's ring and gives it back to Ridge

Tuesday, May 19, 1987

by Adam-Michael James

Thorne entered Eric's office, where Stephanie was trying to call Bill. Thorne suggested that Bill could be at Caroline's apartment and relayed how Bill had met with Thorne that day. Stephanie hoped that Thorne wasn't going to involve himself in the situation between Caroline and Ridge. Thorne said he didn't blame Bill for disapproving of Ridge's determination to win Caroline back; Stephanie understood Bill's feelings but wouldn't side with him over them.

When Thorne told Stephanie how Bill had declared that Caroline had chosen the wrong brother in Ridge, Stephanie feared that Bill was trying to divide her family. Sensing that Thorne might have feelings for Caroline, Stephanie warned that Ridge's reaction could be explosive.

Eric bubbled to Margo that Kristen was on her way into the office for her first day, and he asked Margo to indoctrinate Kristen with all aspects of the business. Eric confessed that he had always dreamed of working side by side with Kristen. Margo found that charming and offered to take personal responsibility for Kristen's progress, adding that Eric's trust meant everything to her and that she would do anything for Eric.

Stephanie arrived and saw Margo and Eric's joined hands. As Eric took a phone call, Stephanie wondered if Margo needed more time to work on Eric. Stephanie sneered that she wasn't worried about any competition and that Margo wasn't the only woman who had eyes for Eric. When Margo asked Stephanie to tell Eric she'd be in her office, Stephanie snapped that she didn't deliver messages for the help.

Once Margo left, Stephanie informed Eric that Margo was in love with him. Eric balked, thinking a mentor relationship could be misinterpreted that way. Stephanie commented that Eric had never been nave in the past, and she challenged why he was being so then. Eric felt that Stephanie was accusing him of encouraging Margo and proclaimed in no uncertain terms that he was not, refusing to discuss the matter further. Stephanie walked out without another word.

Kristen approached Margo and joked that Margo had to have lost a coin toss to have gotten stuck with apprenticing her. Margo promised she had volunteered for the task and inquired what areas of the company Kristen might be interested in. Kristen winced and admitted she wasn't sure she was interested in Forrester at all and that she had only agreed to come aboard because it had made her father happy. Kristen had her own ideas about what she wanted to do, but she was willing to postpone pursuing them to please Eric. Margo reminded Kristen about the opportunities she had at Forrester and noted that Kristen would be working with her father, her brothers...and her mother. Kristen said she didn't want to talk about Stephanie.

Eric, still fuming from his confrontation with Stephanie, crumpled up a design. Thorne walked in, and the men discussed Caroline's tiny apartment and her adamance about making it on her own. Thorne knew Caroline was looking for a job and shut down Eric's suggestion that Bill help her financially. Thorne thought Forrester should offer Caroline a job and pointed out that Caroline wouldn't have to work anywhere near Ridge. Eric pondered what Ridge would think of the notion.

Thorne deflected, but Eric still supposed that Ridge should talk to Caroline about any employment. Thorne was sure Caroline would reject the plan immediately if Ridge, whom she was barely communicating with, proposed it. Conceding the point, Eric agreed to let a happy Thorne approach Caroline with an offer of work.

In her apartment, Caroline held the dress that Ridge had sent over, rereading the accompanying card asking her out to dinner. Upon Bill's questioning, Caroline firmly stated that she was trying to discourage Ridge, not encourage him. Bill suggested that he and Caroline have dinner instead; Caroline felt that her father was trying to keep her from giving in to Ridge and insisted that she be allowed to make her own decisions. Caroline insisted she had no intention of reuniting with Ridge and planned to return his ring.

When Caroline said what she really wanted was a job, Bill smiled and said that he was certain Caroline would get one. While Caroline busied herself with the want ads, Bill pocketed Ridge's ring and excused himself.

Later, Caroline boxed up the dress that Ridge had sent and was about to add the ring when she noticed it was missing. Unable to find it, Caroline realized that Bill had to have taken it.

Ridge had trouble focusing on a video of a fashion show, wondering if he should call Caroline or let her call him. Ridge was livid to find Bill standing in his office doorway. Ridge was sure that Bill wanted to issue more warnings and threats and vowed that no one would stop him from winning Caroline's hand. Bill smugly presented Ridge with the ring that Ridge had given Caroline, and he refused to tell Ridge how it had ended up with Bill. Pressed, Bill cracked that he had stolen it.

Ridge didn't take Bill seriously, but Ridge's face fell when Bill intimated that Caroline was rejecting the ring and moving on with her life. Bill scoffed that Ridge should do the same. Ridge believed that Caroline would have returned his ring herself. When Bill suggested that Ridge get over the "ugly experience" with Caroline, as Caroline was doing, Ridge emphatically said that he couldn't. Bill smirked that Ridge might want to, since it was obvious that Caroline didn't love Ridge.

Ridge considered Bill unforgiving, but Bill stated that he could forgive Ridge with Ridge out of Caroline's life. As Bill bade Ridge good riddance, Ridge asserted that no one could love Caroline the way he could and that he had learned a valuable lesson before marriage -- the importance of being faithful. Bill jeered that if he could find a better man for Caroline than Ridge, Bill would return.

Ridge took a phone call from Caroline, who asked if Bill was with him. Getting confirmation, Caroline asked Ridge to put her on speakerphone and announced to Ridge and Bill that Caroline was accepting Ridge's invitation to dinner that night. After hanging up with Caroline, Ridge threw Bill out of his office.

Stephanie gives Bill some tough advice and a warning
Stephanie gives Bill some tough advice and a warning

Stephanie gives Bill some tough advice and a warning

Wednesday, May 20, 1987

by Chanel S. Garner

At the Logan home, Storm was studying for his law school finals when Dave arrived. Dave conveyed that the police were ending Brooke's surveillance because the police wouldn't expend the resources to watch Brooke indefinitely without results. Storm asked if he and Dave were supposed to wait around for Brooke to get raped. Dave said he and Storm would protect her.

In the kitchen, Beth laughed when Brooke said Katie's chili for the cook-off was "ferocious." Talk turned to Dave, and Brooke called him a real man who wasn't threatened by what she wanted. Beth asked what Brooke wanted, and Brooke replied, "Everything."

Brooke desired to make a mark in the world. She felt that she was special and could do it if she worked at it. She wanted to be something out of the ordinary. She figured she sounded self-centered. Beth thought it sounded healthy. Beth had felt that way, too, fresh out of college.

Brooke asked why Beth hadn't done it. "I thought I did," Beth responded. Brooke asked if Beth didn't want more than being a mother and housewife. Beth replied that she thought she'd have more with Stephen.

Brooke wanted to wait to get married because she believed that loving a man for the rest of her life would take her full concentration. She wanted to do other things first. She explained that Dave understood it and had given her the freedom to be herself. Brooke said she planned to run with it; she planned to make sure Beth had all the things she'd never had. Beth said she merely wanted a happy daughter.

Brooke went into the living room and noted how tense Storm and Dave were. They told her that the police had pulled her security detail. Dave said the department didn't think the guys would return. Storm said he suspected they hadn't returned because the police had been around.

Brooke decided that the police were right about the creeps being gone. Storm and Dave volunteered to pick up the security detail themselves. Brooke said Storm had to work that summer. Storm stated that it could wait, but she didn't want him to postpone a job to follow her. She also didn't know how Dave would protect the public with one eye on her.

Dave asked Brooke to just give them a few weeks, and if nothing happened, they'd back off. Brooke replied that a threat like that never went away. She said she refused to let it ruin her life. She vowed to protect herself because it was the only way she'd ever live a normal life.

At Forrester, Stephanie called Bill and let him know that she had some advice for him. Assuming it was advice about Caroline, Bill requested that Stephanie meet him at his place.

When Stephanie arrived at Bill's house, Bill was very appreciative, but Stephanie said not to thank her until he'd heard her out. He guessed her advice about Caroline wouldn't be easy to take. Stephanie said she wasn't there with advice about his daughter. "Bill, I have tried to like you," Stephanie stated, adding that he was attractive and well bred, but she couldn't figure him out.

Bill didn't get what Stephanie meant. Stephanie started off by saying he'd almost destroyed his daughter's life, using an outmoded set of puritanical morals. Bill didn't think it was puritanical to expect a man to be faithful a week before his wedding. Stephanie said she wouldn't defend her son, but she also said what Bill had done was diabolical. Bill said he'd had Ridge followed, but Ridge had done the rest.

Stephanie conceded that Bill had found out that her son was capable of stupidity. She insisted that Ridge was also a sensitive, loving man, and Caroline had responded to that. Bill called Ridge a smooth operator. Stephanie assumed Bill was trying to tell her that her son was an evil, bad man.

Bill said he didn't think Ridge was evil. Stephanie guessed Bill thought Ridge's parents had misguided Ridge. Bill called her statement unfair. She said it wasn't fair that he'd had Ridge followed and photographed and then told Caroline about it moments before she'd walked down the aisle. That was cruel in Stephanie's book. Plus, she was upset that Bill had had the gall to tell her other son that Caroline should have ended up with him.

Stephanie asked what Bill was trying to do to her children and family. She guessed he was pitting one son against the other when each of her sons cared about his daughter. She strongly advised Bill to think before he acted. Bill said Stephanie was right, but he couldn't think clearly when it was about Caroline. Stephanie guessed it was best that Caroline was out of that house, and she believed he'd smother Caroline if he got her back there before he was ready.

Bill asked when he'd be ready. Stephanie assumed it would be when he could concentrate on his own life. She said he was entitled to a life of his own, but he was neglecting it. "Think about my life? Myself?" Bill asked. She was sure there was more to him than just being the father of a lovely woman, and they could talk about it sometime. Bill grinned as she left.

At the mansion, Thorne was on the phone with Caroline. He wanted to meet her to tell her something, but she was busy that night. He agreed to tell her the next day. After the call, Thorne was still anxious to tell Caroline about Eric's job offer.

Thorne went upstairs and heard Ridge singing as he dressed. Thorne wondered where Ridge was going. "Dinner, dancing," Ridge responded. He said he planned to sweep Caroline off her feet. Thorne expressed surprise that Caroline was going along with it and asked what had made that happen.

Ridge replied that her old man had made it happen, and Caroline had accepted the date because she'd been furious that Bill had tried to return her engagement ring to Ridge. The cocky Ridge added that it had made him and Caroline closer, and he almost felt sorry for Bill.

Thorne noted that Caroline had only accepted to spite her father. Ridge didn't care about that. He was grateful for the chance. Ridge joked that he wished Thorne could be there and said Thorne might learn something. Ridge felt he had to get Caroline back, whatever it took.

Thorne replied that it took sincerity, respect, and sensitivity. He asked if Ridge could muster those things that night. "I don't know. What do you think?" Ridge asked. Thorne stated that Ridge didn't have to be super stud. He just had to be himself. Ridge thanked Thorne and left.

Caroline is miffed that Ridge still doesn
Caroline is miffed that Ridge still doesn't understand her

Caroline is miffed that Ridge still doesn't understand her

Thursday, May 21, 1987

by Chanel S. Garner

At Caroline's door, Ridge arrived and was pleased to see that Caroline had donned the sexy dress he'd sent her. Noting that the dress was different from what she normally wore, she wondered if she needed to change her image. "Don't ever change," Ridge replied.

Ridge said he had almost forgotten how beautiful Caroline was and how much he'd missed her. He told her that it was okay to say she missed him, too, but she switched the topic to where they were going for dinner. Ridge said it was a special place for a special evening.

Later, at the private dining room, Ridge and Caroline admired the romantic setup. She didn't want any wine, but he said he could have some. After a while, he invited her to dance, and as they swayed together to the music, he kissed her. On the balcony after their dance, Ridge attempted to slip the ring Bill had returned back on her finger, but she pulled her hand away.

Caroline was hesitant because she thought there was still so much that Ridge didn't understand about her or why she was doing what she was doing. Ridge thought he did understand. He said he was in love with her. She asked about all the other women. Ridge claimed that those women had been for the moment. She asked how those women felt about that, but he didn't know.

Caroline asked if Ridge didn't know or if he didn't care. Ridge didn't get why they were talking about it. She said it was unrealistic to expect people to change the morals they already had by a certain age. He asked if she thought his morals were in the wrong place. Caroline thought they needed to talk and understand each other's convictions. It sounded like Psychology 101 to Ridge, and Caroline noted his sarcastic streak. Ridge didn't want to argue.

Caroline said she'd had a lot of time to think and evaluate things. She'd thought about her parents and how they'd protected her. She missed her mother, who'd been different from her father. Bill had grown up with a womanizer for a father who had hurt his mother deeply by having affairs with secretaries, maids, and family friends.

Ridge assumed that Bill was comparing Ridge to Bill's father. Caroline said she wasn't making excuses for Bill, but Bill was afraid that Caroline's life would turn out like her grandmother's. Caroline said Bill had also sheltered her from life. She was just starting to understand the normal day-to-day stresses of life.

Ridge didn't know why they were talking about all that. He wanted to discuss their wedding. He said that once they were married, Caroline would be too busy and happy to think of anything else. Caroline didn't think he'd been listening to her. He claimed that he had been, and he'd been thinking of his plan to court her as no woman had ever been courted.

Caroline was sure she'd love the attention, but she told Ridge not to count on his plan working. She wanted to work on her life. She desired to become a whole, mature person. Ridge agreed to back off -- as long as he got to still see her and be with her. She replied that she'd be foolish not to agree. Ridge warned that he wouldn't wait forever, but she said that was up to him.

At the library, Rocco searched for books and saw Donna and Mark at a table, kissing and discussing the beach party that night. Mark volunteered to bring a blanket, but he doubted that they needed it because they kept each other warm. "Do we ever, tiger," Donna replied.

The beach party was an all-nighter, but Donna said she didn't think she could swing that. Mark advised her to tell her mother that she'd be spending the night at Rhonda's house. Donna wanted the evening as much as Mark, and she agreed to go with him, no matter what.

Rocco dropped some books as he cursed to himself. Mark hopped up and checked out the area behind him. No one was there, but Mark suspected that their waiter from the other night had been there.

Later, Rocco arrived through the back door at the Logan house. Katie wasn't home, but Beth invited him in as she cooked. She was shocked that his mother had never made him lasagna and offered to give her recipe to his mother. Rocco stammered that she didn't have to do that.

Rocco took out the trash for Beth and returned in time to hear Donna pitching the idea of the beach party and spending the night with Rhonda. Beth said she had a catering event that night and didn't want Katie to be home alone; Storm would be at the law library, and Brooke was working late.

Donna griped about it and said Katie was almost 17. Beth didn't want Katie alone all night. Beth said she was sorry, but she had to go to work. Rocco bade "Ma Logan" goodbye.

Rocco offered to take Donna and Katie to the movies. Donna told him to take a hike. He guessed she was mad that she couldn't see that guy that night. She deduced that Rocco had been spying on her at the library. Rocco said that there was nothing Donna could do because her mother had said Donna had to stay home and watch Katie.

Donna corrected Rocco, saying that Beth hadn't said Donna had to watch Katie -- just that Beth hadn't wanted Katie to be alone. Rocco didn't like where Donna was going with her thoughts. Donna asked him to please do it for her. She kissed his cheek, said she owed him, and rushed out of the house.

Donna issues a warning to her family
Donna issues a warning to her family

Donna issues a warning to her family

Friday, May 22, 1987

by Adam-Michael James

Thorne moped around the living room, thinking about how Caroline was out with Ridge. Thorne resolved that whatever was best for Caroline was what Thorne wanted, too. Then, a buoyed Ridge returned home, not immediately answering Thorne's questions about Ridge's evening. The brothers talked shop, with Ridge being very complimentary of Thorne's work, and finally Ridge remarked that his night had been interesting. Ridge described how he had sent a low-cut dress to Caroline and taken her to a private dining room for a romantic dinner. Thorne wanted to know if Ridge thought he had made inroads with Caroline.

Ridge relayed that Caroline was adamant about not rushing into anything after what had happened between them and about developing a sense of independence. Thorne felt that sounded reasonable; Ridge was more of the opinion that Caroline was backing away until she was ready to test the waters again. Ridge was certain that Caroline loved him and that she would come around, yet Ridge grudgingly added that Caroline wouldn't wear his ring.

When Ridge said that he could still win Caroline if he played his cards right, Thorne became animated and shouted, "This isn't a game, Ridge!" Thorne didn't want to see Caroline hurt any further. Ridge was slightly taken aback, but he recovered and proclaimed that Caroline wouldn't be hurt if she married Ridge. Thorne reminded Ridge that Caroline wasn't ready for that; Ridge replied that Caroline would be after the courtship he had planned. Thorne implored Ridge not to push Caroline. Ridge promised he wouldn't but pointed out that he had no intention of waiting forever, which he had told Caroline. After Ridge said he didn't think he would have to wait long, he went upstairs, leaving Thorne to his sulking.

At her apartment, Caroline was about to turn in when there was a knock on her door. Hearing that it was Thorne, Caroline let him in. Thorne apologized for the late hour but was sure Caroline wouldn't want to wait to hear his news: Forrester Creations was willing to hire her. Caroline would have to start as a receptionist, Thorne explained, but there was definitely room for advancement. At first, Caroline wondered if Ridge had created the job for her and was unsure about the idea of working alongside him. When Thorne revealed that Ridge wasn't even aware of the opportunity, Caroline agreed to think about it.

Caroline marveled that Thorne was one of the few people who understood her desire to lead her own life. Caroline no longer just wanted to be someone's wife, and she appreciated Thorne's support. She hugged him warmly.

Rocco, having been duped by Donna into "sitting" for Katie, paced the Logan living room. Katie arrived home from work and was surprised to find Rocco standing there. Rocco played it off and made it sound like he had been waiting for Katie to get back, but then he confessed that Donna had gone to an all-night beach party and had arranged for Rocco to stay with Katie. Katie agreed that she and Rocco would keep Donna's whereabouts to themselves and correctly assumed that Donna was at the beach with Mark. Rocco's face fell when Katie said she had never seen Donna fall so hard for a guy.

Katie noticed that it was the first time that she and Rocco were alone at the house together. There seemed to be a friendly spark between them until Storm entered, dubious as to Rocco's presence. Storm wasn't pleased that Katie was alone with Rocco and asked where Brooke and Donna were. Katie reported that Brooke was working late and hesitated before telling Storm that Donna probably was "at some party."

When Storm asked if their mother knew, Beth walked in and wondered what she was supposed to know. Storm eventually said that Donna wasn't home, which upset Beth, who had wanted Donna to stay with Katie. The embarrassed Katie insisted that she was old enough to be home alone. Storm presumed that Donna was with Mark, which got a scowl out of Rocco. Beth remembered Donna having asked to stay overnight at her friend Rhonda's; Storm scoffed, reading between Donna's lines.

Beth fretted over Donna's lack of judgment. After Storm vowed to go searching for Donna if Donna wasn't home in an hour, Rocco excused himself and headed out determinedly.

At the beach, assorted teen couples cuddled in blankets while Mark stoked a campfire. Mark's friend teased him about Donna not showing up, but then Donna appeared. Mark got up and embraced Donna, who looked tense. When Donna explained that she had been late because her mother had wanted her home with Katie, Mark reminded Donna that her life would be easier if they were living together. Donna countered that being under her family's roof was fine as long as they didn't push her too hard.

Donna started to relax after Mark took her to a blanket, told her she looked incredible, and began making out with her. Between kisses, Mark opined that things could be like that with them every night if they lived together. "One step at a time, Mark," Donna answered, and she went back to kissing him.

Suddenly, Rocco ran onto the beach and tried to find Donna by lifting the blankets of canoodling couples. Rocco finally called out for Donna, who was annoyed by Rocco's interruption. Mark told Rocco to take a hike, but when Rocco described how Donna's mother knew where she was and that her brother was about to come looking for her, Donna gathered her things and took off with Rocco, which frustrated Mark.

At the Logan home, Beth sewed as she worried about Donna. Storm decided it was time to look for his sister while Beth sent Katie up to bed. Storm knew what such beach parties were like, prompting Beth to pick up the phone and find out if Donna was really spending the night at Rhonda's house. Just then, Donna returned, facing interrogation from both Beth and Storm. Donna defended herself by saying she had made sure Katie wasn't alone, then Donna told Storm that she was getting sick of his "father routine."

Beth demanded to know where Donna had been so late. Donna admitted that she had been at the beach with Mark, but she was distressed that her family didn't seem to trust her. Beth said it was hard to trust someone who said one thing and did another. Donna apologized, but felt she had a right to her own life. "Not at the expense of the rest of this family," Beth declared, expecting to be obeyed. Donna relented yet informed her mother and brother that she didn't want to be pushed too far. Storm grabbed Donna's arm and asked what she meant. Donna coldly responded "Whatever you want it to mean" before stomping upstairs.

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Edited by SC Desk