Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of January 29, 2024 on B&B

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Poppy insisted Bill wasn
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of January 29, 2024 on B&B

Poppy insisted that Bill wasn't Luna's father, and Finn recalled a time when Poppy had lived with his family when he'd been a young man. Zende became disgruntled about R.J.'s new home. Luna and R.J. made love. News of Thomas' marriage proposal spread to his family.

Brooke is sickened upon learning about Hope
Brooke is sickened upon learning about Hope's ring

Brooke is sickened upon learning about Hope's ring

Monday, January 29, 2024

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by Chanel S. Garner

In the design office, Luna persisted in asking if Bill Spencer was her father. Luna said she'd been born less than a year after Bill had encountered Poppy at the festival. With a mirthless chuckle, Poppy said Bill was not Luna's father, and it was funny that Luna would think it.

Luna didn't find it funny. She said that was Poppy's same answer every time Luna asked if one of the men from Poppy's past was Luna's father. Luna asked why she didn't know a single thing about her father, and she asked what her mother could be keeping from her. Poppy was confused because Luna had been happy, and the issue hadn't surfaced for a while.

Luna explained that she and R.J. had been discussing the magical night between Poppy and Bill. "Did you hook up with him?" Luna asked. Upset, Poppy replied that she'd always been open, but she didn't like being interrogated, something she'd never do to Luna. "I'll take that as a yes," Luna decided. For Luna, the timeline matched up. "Are you lying to me, Mom?"

Luna stated that she rarely asked about her father because it made her mother uncomfortable. Poppy claimed that she wasn't lying. She said she'd repeat what she always said when Luna brought it up: "I'm an independent woman, and I am your only parent." Poppy had tried to be everything that Luna had needed, and even when they'd struggled, Luna had been safe, secure, and loved. Poppy loved Luna with all her being and asked Luna to say it was enough.

Getting emotional, Poppy cried that she'd tried to provide, even though Luna hadn't grown up like R.J. "I love the life that we share together," Luna countered. "Being your mom is the best and most rewarding thing I've ever done in my life," Poppy said. Luna said she wasn't asking about her father because she was looking for something better. Luna loved her life, but there were many parts of herself that she didn't know.

"Look at me. We're Nozawa women. What have we got, huh? We've got Nozawa. Just me and you. The sisterhood," Poppy said through tears. Poppy told Luna to do it. Luna reluctantly did a secret handshake and said, "Nozawa power." Crying, Poppy hugged Luna.

At the beach house, R.J. signed the lease and said Bill was officially his landlord. Bill advised R.J. not to have any wild parties and to keep things on the straight and narrow because he had a remarkable girl, Luna, who'd be spending a lot of time there.

Bill talked about how special the Nozawa women were. Agreeing, R.J. was amazed that Bill and Poppy had only had one encounter, but R.J. figured it had been powerful. R.J. imagined that seeing Poppy again had been surreal, and it had been amazing that Bill had remembered her. Bill replied that it had been an evening that he would never forget.

The topic turned to Poppy and Bill introducing their kids, but Bill said he and Poppy had more catching up to do first. R.J. replied that Poppy reappearing might include an unexpected gift.

In Eric's office, Thomas and Ridge discussed Eric, who had a follow-up appointment soon, and Ridge looked forward to seeing if there was any progress. Ridge then asked Thomas what was going on and recalled Thomas had said something had happened between him and Hope.

Thomas stammered, saying that he just loved Hope. Ridge asked if anyone was causing problems, but Thomas said he wasn't going to let that happen. He asserted that the issues of the past wouldn't be a problem as long as he was honest about them. Thomas murmured that he still believed that Hope had faith in him. Ridge asked if there was a question about that.

Thomas reasoned that it wasn't his feelings for Hope, and it wasn't necessarily her feelings about him. Ridge looked puzzled, and Thomas revealed that he'd proposed marriage to Hope.

Later, Ridge asked, "You proposed, and Hope said maybe?" Thomas figured that he'd caught her off guard, and he said he had wanted to surprise her. Wary, Ridge poised himself to speak, but Thomas cut him off, saying Hope just needed a little more time. Thomas insisted that he was willing to wait, and he believed that one day, Hope would take the ring off the necklace, put it on her finger, and make him the happiest man in the world.

Ridge asked if Hope had told anyone. Thomas explained that they'd decided to keep it to themselves, but he'd just told Ridge. Thomas hoped Ridge wouldn't tell Brooke. Ridge expressed pride in Thomas for making healthy choices. Ridge decided that it was up to Hope. "Don't pressure her," Ridge advised. Thomas claimed he wouldn't and said Ridge's unwavering support meant everything. "Fathers and sons," Ridge said, and Thomas assumed it was the same way for mothers and daughters.

Ridge told Thomas not to worry about Brooke at that moment. Ridge was sure that Hope would have turned it down if she'd had reservations. "She's got the ring. If this is supposed to happen, love will find a way," Ridge decided, and he hugged Thomas.

In Brooke's cabin, Hope showed Brooke a piece of art that Beth had made at school. Hope was proud that Beth had painted it in happy, warm colors, following the teacher's directions to depict her emotions. Brooke figured that it made Hope feel good, given everything that was going on due to the divorce from Liam.

Hope asked Brooke not to make a dig at Thomas. "Did I mention Thomas?" Brooke asked. Brooke went on to admit that she was curious about things after Hope had said she could possibly have a future with Thomas, and Brooke asked if Hope could really do that after all he'd done and after all Hope knew about him.

In Hope's silence, Brooke asked Hope to say what had been going on with her. Hope asked if Brooke would lecture her. Brooke asked if Hope could see herself in a serious relationship with Thomas, not the situation that Hope had going on at that time. Hope deflected to Thomas' feelings of love and commitment for her, but Brooke refocused, asking how Hope felt about Thomas. Brooke reasoned that if Hope didn't feel the same way he did, then Hope was leading him on, which was unfair to Thomas and possibly dangerous.

Dismissing the idea, Hope doubled down on how real Thomas's love for her was. Hope began to give the only reason she thought she hadn't been ready for marriage, but Brooke interrupted, shocked that Thomas had proposed to Hope. Brooke checked Hope's finger and was relieved that Hope had said no. Brooke wondered why Thomas thought a proposal out of nowhere had been wise. Hope admitted that she'd been a little surprised.

Brooke said Hope was still coping with the end of her marriage. Hope replied that Thomas had helped. Brooke scoffed, saying she'd thought Hope's involvement with him had just been a reaction. Upset, Hope repeated the word. Brooke concluded that Hope had done the right thing, and if Thomas loved her, he'd understand. Hope replied that she hadn't accepted the proposal. Pulling out the ring, she added that she hadn't exactly declined it, either.

Brooke wondered why Hope had a ring on a chain and said one didn't accept a ring without accepting the proposal. Hope claimed she hadn't been able to accept, and Brooke guessed not because forgiving didn't mean forgetting what Thomas had done. Claiming that wasn't the reason, Hope said she'd needed more time and would keep the ring close to her heart.

"And whose idea was that?" Brooke knowingly asked. Brooke didn't find any of it cute, romantic, or funny. It reminded her of the old Thomas. Hope felt that Brooke would blame Thomas incessantly. Hope said she needed time to figure things out for herself. She was still dealing with the end of her marriage and needed to make sure that the kids were okay before she made any more life-changing decisions, and she asked if Brooke wanted her to be happy.

Brooke replied that she wanted Hope to be happy -- happy like she'd been with Liam. Hope screamed that Liam had left her, something Thomas had never done. She said Thomas had been consistent and supportive, and Brooke refused to admit that Thomas had changed. Hope maintained that he was a positive force in her life. Brook scoffed and asked if Hope was saying there was a possibility of a future. Hope half-nodded, and Brooke implored Hope not to become Thomas' wife.

Luna wonders if father
Luna wonders if father's identity is a family secret

Luna wonders if father's identity is a family secret

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

by Chanel S. Garner

In the design office, Poppy insisted that Bill wasn't Luna's father. Needing answers, Luna proposed taking a test to get answers on her own. Poppy begged Luna not to do that out of respect for her mother. Luna asked if her father was that terrible or her conception shameful. Luna asked if it was a deep, dark family secret, and Poppy hugged Luna without answering.

Finn arrived and was surprised and delighted to see his Aunt Poppy. He'd heard that Poppy had been in town. Poppy said she'd wanted to reach out, but things had been a little crazy. Finn said Poppy was beautiful and stylish, as usual. He recalled that they'd spent all that time together, and then Poppy had just been gone. Luna asked what Finn meant, and Finn divulged that Poppy had stayed with his family when he'd just started college.

Finn said Poppy had kept an eye on him during his first year of college while his parents had been busy with their careers. He'd felt a lot of pressure having a lawyer and doctor as parents. He remembered that Poppy would close his computer and have a spontaneous dance party whenever he seemed too stressed. Luna asked if she'd been there, but Finn replied that it had been a year before Luna had been born.

Finn needed to return a call, and Luna told him to take the office because she and Poppy were leaving. He said he'd stopped by to invite Luna and R.J. to dinner, and he suggested that Poppy come, too. Poppy turned it down, and Finn guessed it was because of Li. He replied that he was trying to get Li to chill out about the both of them.

Poppy and Luna left, and Finn called the hospital. As he conversed on the phone about a patient, Poppy peeked at him through a crack in the doorway.

At the beach house, R.J. checked his phone and noticed that his messages to Luna, asking how things were going with Poppy, had gone unanswered. R.J. set out photos of himself and Luna.

In Eric's office, R.J. and Luna discussed how it had gone with Poppy. Luna revealed that Bill wasn't her father, but it terrified Poppy that she was curious about who was. Luna said Poppy always deflected to "Nozawa power" whenever Luna asked about a man from Poppy's past.

Luna added that Poppy had begged Luna not to seek out her father on her own. Luna wondered why it was a deep, dark family secret if she'd been made from love. R.J. asked if Poppy knew who it was. Luna replied that Poppy had denied knowing, but Luna believed that Poppy did know. To keep from hurting Poppy, Luna decided to stop worrying about who it was.

In Brooke's cabin, Brooke reasoned that Hope was filling a hole after her marriage had fallen apart, and accepting the proposal would be the biggest mistake of Hope's life. Brooke urged Hope to take off the necklace and give the ring back. Hope didn't know what else she could do to convince Brooke that Hope "genuinely cared" for Thomas.

Brooke said that Thomas' change didn't erase the pain of the past, and it broke Brooke's heart that Hope believed it was what she deserved. Crying, Brooke asserted that Hop Hope deserved more, and "this" was just settling. Brooke implored Hope not to accept the proposal.

In Eric's office, Ridge approved of the ring as Thomas showed off a photograph of it. Thomas had thought Ridge would think Thomas had gone crazy for proposing, but on the contrary, Ridge loved that Thomas had gone after what he wanted. Ridge loved Thomas and figured Hope had to, also, or she wouldn't have the ring around her neck. Thomas wished Brooke felt the same.

Ridge advised Thomas not to concentrate on that. Ridge figured that Brooke knew Thomas had bettered himself, and even though she absolutely didn't want him with her daughter, Brooke would not stand in the way.

Later, Ridge had gone, and Charlie arrived to tell Ridge that the breathtaking Esther Valentine had finished her fitting. Thomas guessed Charlie had a crush on Esther. Brooke arrived, and Charlie pretended to be talking about sports. Brooke asked to talk to Thomas alone, and as soon as Charlie left, Brooke asked what Thomas had been thinking to propose to Hope.

Brooke figured that Thomas was setting himself up for heartbreak. Thomas doubted that Brooke was looking out for him. She said she was, and she wanted the best for him because he was Ridge's son. Thomas asked if Hope had said she wouldn't accept. Brooke conveyed shared that Hope was conflicted, and even if Hope didn't admit it, Brooke was confident that Hope couldn't fully commit or give Thomas the life he wanted.

Back at the cabin, Hope was thinking of when Thomas had told her that he'd be a one-woman man for the rest of his life. Ridge arrived. He wanted to talk to Hope because he knew about the marriage proposal, and he felt that her wearing-but-not-wearing the ring was confusing. Hope assumed that he was there to grill her; however, he claimed that he was there to remind her of what a remarkable man Thomas was, but Ridge guessed she already knew that.

Feeling that Brooke was just looking out for Hope, Ridge said he'd lost faith in his son at one point, but Thomas had worked hard to get Ridge to believe in him. Ridge believed that it was most important to Thomas that Hope believed in him. Ridge figured Hope knew that Thomas loved her, and Ridge felt that if her feelings for Thomas weren't genuine, it would crush Thomas.

Ridge said that wearing the ring --- even around the neck -- gave Thomas hope that there was a chance. Ridge added that it made him feel as if there was a chance. Hope asked what Ridge was saying. He remarked that Hope and his son were great parents, friends, and co-workers, but it was extraordinary the way Hope had forgiven Thomas. Ridge said he'd be happy if Hope was his daughter-in-law.

After Ridge had gone, Hope thought of the things Brooke had said to her earlier about not accepting the proposal. She thought of what Ridge had just said.

Thomas arrived, and he and Hope discussed their visits from Ridge and Brooke. Hope figured they'd had to tell their parents eventually. Thomas said Brooke had claimed to be looking out for him, but her view was status quo at that point. Hope revealed that Ridge had been sweet. Thomas claimed he wasn't there to pressure her, and the wait was worth it because he was confident that the ring would be on her finger.

Zende crashes R.J. and Luna
Zende crashes R.J. and Luna's romantic afternoon

Zende crashes R.J. and Luna's romantic afternoon

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

by Dan J Kroll

In the cabin, Thomas sat on an ottoman in front of Hope, who was seated on the sofa. Thomas told Hope that she knew everything about him -- "the good, the bad, everything." Thomas vowed that there would never be any more secrets between them. "I have to believe that we have a wonderful future ahead," Thomas said softly.

Hope looked at the ring hanging on a chain around her neck. She said that no one else's opinion mattered to her. Still, Hope admitted that it had been hard to hear Thomas' confession about what had really happened the night that Emma had died. Hope praised the man that Thomas had become in the years that had followed. "What I'm trying to say is you are not only a talented designer, an amazing father, a loyal man, but I [also] feel like I can give my heart to you, and I do believe in you, Thomas," Hope said.

"Thank you for seeing the man I am today," Thomas responded. Thomas acknowledged that it had taken a lot of time and effort to get his life in order. Thomas stated that he was looking forward to the day that the ring he had given to Hope found its way to Hope's finger. Thomas sensed that Hope still wasn't ready for that. Hope confirmed his suspicion but quickly said that her hesitation was not about Thomas.

"It's just the timing," Hope said. Hope suggested that one day, she might be ready for a commitment, but until that day arrived, she would wear the engagement ring close to her heart. Hope and Thomas started kissing passionately. Hope informed Thomas that the kids would not be home for hours. She rose to her feet and unbuttoned her dress. Thomas watched as the black dress fell to the floor. Hope unbuttoned Thomas' shirt, and their kissing continued.

In the design studio at Forrester Creations, R.J. apologized to Luna for having pushed the theory that Bill was her father. Luna seemed disappointed that they could "definitely" rule out Bill as her dad. R.J. told Luna that he had planned a special night at the beach house to help get her mind off the bad day she'd been having. Luna perked up at the idea of spending the night with R.J. "Some privacy is exactly what we need," Luna sighed.

As R.J. and Luna kissed, the door to the office popped open, and Charlie announced himself. A giddy Charlie wanted to talk about the "score" R.J. had made by leasing his "new Malibu digs." Charlie shouted "Cowabunga" as he tried to high-five R.J., but Charlie didn't connect with R.J.'s hand. Instead, the two men opted for a handshake. Charlie wished R.J. good luck and scurried out of the office.

Elsewhere at Forrester in the executive office, Hope and Ridge shared a kiss. When they parted lips, they both agreed that the kiss was exactly what they'd needed. Ridge's face turned somber as he announced that they should probably talk about "the news." Brooke realized that Ridge wanted to discuss Thomas and Hope's quasi-engagement. Ridge wondered how Brooke felt but suspected that he already knew her thoughts on the matter.

Ridge argued that since Thomas and Hope had been able to work past their differences, there should be no opposition to the engagement. Brooke countered that Thomas might be setting himself up for heartache if Hope wasn't really ready to get engaged. Ridge reminded Brooke that there were many tales of unrequited love.

The door to the office swung open, and Zende entered in search of R.J. Charlie, following closely behind, told Zende that R.J. and Luna had just left the building to head to R.J.'s "new swanky beach pad... Casa del Sando... Hacienda del Beach-O," and he said where the place was located. Zende was shocked to learn that R.J. was living in Malibu. "R.J. really is the anointed one," Zende grumbled as he left the office.

Later, Brooke and Ridge discussed Zende's sour attitude. Ridge admitted that he didn't like that Zende was unhappy with the way things were going at Forrester. Both Brooke and Ridge agreed that they wanted R.J. and Zende to work out their differences sooner rather than later. However, Ridge insisted that neither he nor Brooke should meddle in the two men's tiff -- or in Thomas and Hope's relationship.

At the beach house, Luna looked around in amazement. She asked R.J. if he had checked all the rooms to make sure that no one else was lurking about. He assured her that he had. Seated on the sofa, Luna told R.J. that she had "never felt more ready to take the next step" and had been "holding out for the right person." R.J. asked her if she was sure that she was ready. She smiled, nodded, and confirmed that she was.

As R.J. and Luna kissed, a knock sounded on the door. Both Luna and R.J. looked at the door in annoyance. Luna urged R.J. to ignore the knocks, but the knocks became louder. Eventually, Zende called out to R.J. R.J. rolled his eyes and walked over to the front door. Zende didn't wait to be invited in and claimed to be surprised that Luna was there with R.J.

Zende presented the designs that he and Thomas had worked on. R.J. explained that he was "kind of busy" and would need to look at them at a later time. R.J. then asked how Zende had known where to find him. Luna and R.J. shot each other annoyed glances when Zende shared that Charlie had told him about the beach house. Zende remarked that he'd needed to check out R.J.'s "own spot on Malibu's Billionaire Beach."

R.J. noted that Zende could more than likely afford a similar home. Zende countered that he wasn't the "golden child" and didn't have the same budget as R.J.

Thomas again asks Hope to marry him
Thomas again asks Hope to marry him

Thomas again asks Hope to marry him

Thursday, February 1, 2024

by Chanel S. Garner

In Eric's office, Steffy and Finn kissed. She was grateful for moments like that and asked how her grandfather was doing. Finn said they had run tests and would know a long-term answer soon. Ridge arrived, hailing Finn for helping Eric. Steffy noted that something was off with Ridge, and he said he'd talked to Brooke about the usual thing. Steffy figured that meant Hope and Thomas. Ridge revealed that something unexpected had happened: "Your brother proposed."

Later, Steffy quipped about how "romantic" an office proposal was. Finn said Hope was giving it thought, but Steffy doubted Hope could forget about a ring wrapped around her neck. "How long is this gonna take, Dad?" Steffy wondered. Ridge replied that it was nice, and Hope would make up her own mind. "What if Hope says no?" Steffy asked. She noted that Hope had Thomas stuck in limbo, and that wasn't a healthy place to be.

Steffy questioned whether it would set Thomas back, but Ridge said they had to let Thomas make his own mistakes. Finn felt sorry for all Thomas had put Hope through. Ridge asserted that Thomas was a changed man who deserved love. "I agree...but with Hope?" Steffy asked. Steffy didn't think Hope could truly appreciate and love Thomas. Finn didn't blame Hope for being hesitant due to the past, but Ridge yelled that they need to focus on the present.

Steffy said Thomas was having a great time with Hope but needed to be with a woman who'd be excited about a ring on her finger. Ridge asked how Steffy knew Hope wasn't excited. Ridge got that Steffy didn't want her brother to be hurt, but Ridge claimed that in love, there were no guarantees. Ridge noted that Steffy and Finn had been through a lot, and so had Ridge and Brooke. "But we're still here," Ridge reasoned. He asked Steffy to let her brother try to find some happiness, and if Thomas wanted it with Hope, "let him try."

In Brooke's cabin, Hope grinned, completely caught up in intimacy with Thomas. Hope claimed she'd never felt that way before, and she didn't know why she couldn't get enough of him. He said he'd never experienced anything like her, and she replied that he brought it out in her. It was wild and uninhibited, and his spark ignited her desire.

Thomas and Hope had sex again, and she again wondered why she couldn't get enough of him. Thomas affirmed that "this" was what he wanted -- to love, touch, and kiss her. He figured that she didn't understand it because she'd never been with a man who wanted to be with only her and someone who'd given her his heart the way Thomas had. He claimed that he trusted her, and she could trust him with her heart. He said she could have it for the rest of her life. All she had to do was put the ring on her finger and say she'd be his wife.

At Bill's beach house, Zende was cynically impressed that R.J. had leased some of the most expensive real estate around, and he doubted Dollar Bill had cut R.J. a deal on a multi-million-dollar home in Malibu. Zende guessed Eric had given R.J. a hefty bonus but then Zende decided Ridge and Brooke were footing the bill.

Luna tried to quash the rivalry, but Zende, who'd already made himself a name in the business, contended that there was no rivalry with a novice; however, he imagined that it was probably nice to have Ridge Forrester giving one a boost. When Zende claimed to be proud to be in the Forrester family, R.J. asked why Zende was giving R.J. a hard time about it.

Zende didn't think R.J. grasped how fortunate he was. Zende said he hadn't been born into it like R.J. Instead, Zende had been a scared, helpless kid in an orphanage in Africa after he'd lost both of his parents. Kristen had adopted him and had been a wonderful mother, and his parents supported him; however, they didn't live in Los Angeles to have his back. Zende noted that R.J.'s parents ran the business, and R.J. was the prince of fashion royalty.

Zende acknowledged the work R.J. had done with Eric but insisted on making R.J. see where Zende was coming from. Zende was older and had more experience; he'd studied for years, but R.J. was new to it, learning at the knees of Ridge and Eric. Zende asserted that if R.J. was in Zende's place, R.J. would be frustrated, too.

R.J. said he saw Zende's view and respected it. R.J. got that Zende didn't want to be overlooked or underestimated. R.J. was sure he'd learn from the designs Zende had brought over. R.J. planned to look at them in the morning. Taking Luna's hand, he said he had plans with her that night. Zende seemed to feel as if he'd been brushed off again. As Zende walked to the door, R.J. hoped that he and Zende could be close again. Zende said to have a nice night, and he left.

Later, R.J. and Luna were kissing. They joked about getting interrupted. He said he wanted her all to himself that night. Luna said they'd waited a long time for it, and she'd waited all her life. He stated that he wanted it to be perfect for her.

R.J. and Luna spend a romantic evening together
R.J. and Luna spend a romantic evening together

R.J. and Luna spend a romantic evening together

Friday, February 2, 2024

by Chanel S. Garner

In Brooke's cabin, Thomas urged Hope to put the ring on her finger. He said they loved each other, and both wanted it. He asked her to say she'd marry him. Hope told Thomas that she adored him, and he was important to her; however, she'd asked for time and still needed time.

Thomas claimed to understand. He said they had plenty of time, and "when" she said yes, he wanted Hope to be fully committed. He could see that she would be by how they loved each other and looked at each other. He knew they'd spend their lives together.

Later, Thomas and Hope put back on the same clothes they'd been wearing, and he invited her to go to Eric's house with him to check on Eric. Hope figured Eric was nervous about the news he'd get from his test results the next day, and she said it would be nice to show family support. Thomas smiled at how beautiful Hope was. He said her name reminded him of hope for the future they'd share someday.

At Eric's house, Eric was concerned about the test results he'd get the next day. Donna said things had been positive thus far, but he replied that it wasn't like he'd run a marathon again. "Again?" Katie asked as she arrived, and Eric admitted that he'd never run one. Donna and Katie assured Eric that Finn was taking remarkable care of him, and Donna was eternally grateful to Finn -- and to Bridget. Donna said Eric still had a lot more living to do.

Zende arrived after getting a text message from Eric, and Zende joked that he was all about a party across the courtyard. Donna asked what that meant. Eric explained that Ridge had said Thomas would be there, and Eric had decided to have a small get-together. Zende asked if R.J. would be there, but Eric said R.J. had plans with Luna.

Later, Hope and Thomas arrived, and Hope recalled that Eric had been playing the piano during her last visit. Eric replied that he still had a long way to go to recover. Hope wanted to invite R.J., but Katie said he had plans. The topic turned to R.J. renting from Bill, and Zende flatly replied that it was good for R.J. Eric agreed, saying a young person needed to move away from his parents, and Eric noted the memories Luna and R.J. would make.

As everyone socialized, Thomas asked Zende if he'd taken the designs to R.J. Zende said he had, and he'd been surprised that R.J. had rented a multi-million-dollar house on the beach. Zende said everything seemed to fall into R.J.'s lap, including Luna. Hope said it was clear that the couple cared about each other. Zende agreed that it was as clear as day.

Aside with Donna, Eric remarked that he'd waxed on about young love, but sometimes, the love one found later in life could be even more fulfilling. Eric and Donna kissed.

At the beach house, Luna grinned as R.J. lit candles around the room. He said she'd taken his breath away when they'd first met. He'd known there had been something special about her, and he felt close to her. She felt the same way. She said she felt safe and secure with him.

Later, over dinner, Luna said R.J. had scored points with a meal from her favorite restaurant. R.J. admitted he'd been worried about getting it right. She said he knew her well. He figured he had a lot more to learn about the fascinating Luna. He stated that he'd met people around the world, but no one had captured his heart or imagination the way she had.

Luna and R.J. took a walk on the beach, and when they returned to the house, she couldn't believe it was her life. She said her whole world has shifted. R.J. and Luna began making out, and they headed into the bedroom. Luna gasped, seeing rose petals on the bed. He told her that he wanted that night to be all she'd ever imagined. She replied that he was all she'd ever imagined. She called him kind, understanding, and respectful.

Luna and R.J. expressed love for each other and began kissing again. They peeled off their clothes and made out beneath the covers.

Later, Luna was in R.J.'s arms. She said she'd always wondered how her first time would be. It had been amazing, more than she'd ever imagined. She wanted him to hold her and never let go.

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Edited by SC Desk