Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 8, 2023 on B&B

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Steffy accused Hope of being like Brooke. A romantic evening reassured Liam his marriage was okay. Hope and Thomas went to San Francisco together.
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 8, 2023 on B&B

Steffy accused Hope of becoming like her mother. Hope planned a romantic evening for Liam that left him feeling reassured about their marriage. Hope and Thomas' impromptu trip to San Francisco threatened to become an overnight stay, and Hope became vulnerable to Thomas.

Hope pleads with Steffy not to share her concerns with Liam
Hope pleads with Steffy not to share her concerns with Liam

Hope pleads with Steffy not to share her concerns with Liam

Monday, May 8, 2023

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by Chanel S. Garner

In the design office, Steffy was adamant that Hope had been holding hands with Thomas, gazing into his eyes, and "saying all the things that you were saying. You have feelings for him." Steffy demanded to know the truth. Steffy stated that Thomas was the one they were supposed to be worried about, not "sweet Hope," who never misbehaved. Hope asserted that Steffy was reading too much into what she'd seen.

Steffy hoped that she was overreacting. She said Thomas had been a gentleman making strides, behaving himself, and not crossing lines. Hope said she knew it and had seen it herself. Steffy said that Thomas was winning against his demons. She asked why Hope couldn't be sensitive to that. Hope said she was, and she was proud of him.

"You were flirting with him!" Steffy said, unable to believe it. "Are you actually turning into your mother?" Steffy asked with a laugh.

Hope asserted that Steffy was off base. Admitting that she and Thomas had gotten caught up in the numbers, Hope asserted that she loved Liam and her family, and she implored Steffy not to interfere with it. Steffy said she wouldn't interfere, but she would have an issue with Hope developing feelings for Thomas. Hope insisted that she and Thomas were co-workers and co-parents, and she was committed to Liam.

Steffy said she had never before questioned Hope's love for Liam, and Hope had asked Steffy to talk to Liam. Steffy stated that Liam trusted Hope, but Hope might be the one Liam should be concerned about. Hope insisted that she was devoted to Liam. Steffy asked if Hope knew how lucky she was that Liam was completely supportive and understanding; however, she was sure Liam would have freaked out if he'd seen what Steffy had seen.

Hope asked Steffy not to say anything to Liam, who was sensitive enough about the situation. Hope swore that there was nothing going on between her and Thomas. "Do you miss it? His affection for you?" Steffy wondered. Hope asked how Steffy could ask that, and Hope insisted that she loved her husband and family. She asked Steffy not to overreact or tell anyone about it because there was nothing going on.

Steffy asked if Hope was telling the truth and had no feelings for Thomas at all. Hope claimed she didn't. Steffy said it was good because Hope couldn't lead him on and reignite his obsession with Hope. "I'm serious, Hope. Do not lead Thomas on or undermine the progress my brother has made. I'll be watching you," Steffy asserted, and she left. Alone, Hope cried.

In the CEO's office, Thomas thought back on his earlier exchange with Hope. "There's no way," he uttered to himself. Ridge arrived, wondering what Thomas was talking about, and Thomas pretended that there was something off about a sketch he was working on.

Ridge didn't buy it, and Thomas reasoned that talking about it might help him avoid falling into old patterns. Thomas admitted that it was about Hope. Thomas showed Ridge the new preview numbers, and Ridge beamed with pride in his son, who'd done the work. Thomas said Ridge should be proud of Hope, too. Ridge expressed pride in Hope for doing what she'd needed to do to save her line.

Thomas replied that it wasn't just that; it was Hope reaching a new level of forgiveness for him after what he'd done. He was worried that he could affect her marriage, but Ridge said Liam and Hope were fine. Thomas started talking about Liam not trusting him, and Ridge asked why Thomas was thinking about that instead of rejoicing about the numbers.

In Thomas' silence, Ridge beamed about how proud he was of Thomas and said Thomas should be proud of himself. Thomas admitted that he was. Ridge offered to be there if Thomas ever needed advice. Thomas stated that Ridge's support meant everything to Thomas, and Thomas vowed to never become "that person" again. Ridge and Thomas hugged.

Later, Thomas was alone, sketching. Again, he recalled the exchange he'd had with Hope earlier during which she'd grasped his hands.

At Il Giardino, Wyatt had gone, sticking Liam with the bill. As Liam paid it, Taylor arrived. She'd learned from his office that he'd be there, and she desired to talk to him about his wife and her son working together. As Liam tried to express his concerns about Thomas, Taylor talked over Liam, saying Thomas wouldn't cross any lines. Taylor was sure Thomas wouldn't risk his career and family for something that could never be.

Liam stated that Thomas was lucky to have a parent who believed in him. Affirming her belief in her son, Taylor replied that as good as Thomas had been at playing them, Taylor had become even better at recognizing his tells. "And he's still making progress with them," she insisted.

Liam figured that Taylor's assessment was good to hear, but he didn't know how she could be unbiased. Taylor stated that it was fair, but she wouldn't be advocating for him if she hadn't thought he'd changed. She felt she had a lot more invested than Liam because Thomas was her son. She reasoned that her showing bias would be the worst thing for her son and for Hope.

Liam stated his appreciation for Taylor's concern about his wife. Taylor said Hope had been willing to trust that Thomas wouldn't revert to his old ways, and he hadn't. "That we know of," Liam added. Taylor expressed confidence that Hope would put a stop to Thomas's advances, and he'd be gone if that happened. Taylor said Thomas knew it and wouldn't jeopardize his progress.

Liam wondered what would happen if the urge was too strong, and Thomas couldn't help himself. "What if he can?" Taylor asked, noting that Thomas' therapy was helping him heal and spot his triggers. Liam said that the people who loved Thomas were invested in him, but it was Liam's job to stay on guard. Taylor asked Liam to remember that Hope was smart, and Taylor wouldn't want Hope and Thomas working together if Thomas was the old Thomas.

Liam said Steffy had said the same thing and had assured him that there was nothing to worry about. Taylor quipped that Steffy was always right, and Liam should never forget that. Taylor added that Thomas couldn't change the past, but he could change the way he did things going forward. She stated her belief that everyone saw the changes he'd made, except Liam, and she asked if Liam could give Thomas a small benefit of the doubt.

Liam wanted to believe it for Hope's sake. He stated that Hope was a good person, kind and smart. Taylor reminded Liam that Hope had forgiven Thomas and put firm boundaries in place. Taylor assured him that he had nothing to worry about.

Hope lavishes attention on Liam
Hope lavishes attention on Liam

Hope lavishes attention on Liam

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

by Chanel S. Garner

In the evening at Forrester, Thomas tried to work but was plagued with thoughts of what had happened with Hope. R.J. arrived, guessing that Thomas and a sketchpad were never that far apart. It seemed to R.J. that his brother was in an artistic trance, so he decided to let Thomas be. Thomas said it was fine because he needed a break.

R.J. reviewed what Thomas was working on and could totally see Hope wearing it. He guessed Thomas and Hope were a success because her vision came alive through Thomas' hands. "My hands," Thomas uttered, thinking of holding hands with Hope.

R.J. shared that he had just had dinner "across the street" with Brooke and was looking for Hope. He asked if Thomas knew where she was. Thomas asked if he should know, and R.J. remarked that he'd heard that Hope spent all of her time with Thomas.

Later, R.J. stated that his "half" status with everyone was pretty cool because it connected the families; however, he'd left town because being the connection came with a lot of pressure -- especially when someone was causing drama. Thomas guessed the "someone" was Thomas. R.J. said he loved his brother, but Thomas had crossed lines multiple times.

Thomas acknowledged it. He said he'd worked on himself and could be a brother that R.J. would be proud of. R.J. intended to take Thomas at his word. Thomas said he didn't want to meddle in Ridge's love life ever again and had interfered for the last time. R.J. and Thomas agreed that Thomas' parents' issues and relationships were their business. R.J. expected Thomas to feel the same way about Hope and asked where things stood between Thomas and Hope.

Thomas affirmed that he and Hope had a strong, solid, and platonic relationship. R.J. asked if Thomas had accepted that it would only be that. Thomas said when he'd returned from New York, he'd been a single dad, and his child had had a connection with Hope. Hope had filled a void in Douglas' life, and Thomas would always love her for that. R.J. said Hope was a caring person who was married to someone else. Thomas replied that he got it.

Thomas said he hadn't respected it in the past, and he'd hurt people. He had somehow earned back some forgiveness. He wasn't sure he deserved it, but he was starting to believe that he wasn't that person anymore. He promised R.J. that Hope and Liam had nothing to worry about.

Later, R.J. commended Thomas on his improvements. R.J. was proud of Thomas. Thomas felt the same about R.J., but R.J. suspected that Thomas was happy that R.J. was wasting his life on the Internet. Thomas replied that gaining sponsorships to travel the world wasn't wasting life.

R.J. asked Thomas to tell their father that, but Thomas reminded R.J. that Thomas wasn't interfering in people's lives anymore. Thomas also didn't think anyone could tell Ridge that Ridge Junior shouldn't be a fashion designer. Thomas offered to show R.J. around and sketch with him whenever R.J. wanted. Thomas said he was glad R.J. was back. R.J. said it made two of them.

At the cliff house, Steffy had tucked the kids in to give Finn time for an evening swim. Touching his chest, she said she was lucky to be his wife, and it wasn't because of "all this." Hovering her hand over his heart, she said it was because of that. Finn said she was married to a beautiful force of nature, and they kissed.

Steffy seemed bothered, and Finn inquired about what was going on. She flashed back to what she'd seen between Thomas and Hope, and Steffy told Finn that she hoped she'd overreacted. Finn wondered if it had to do with Thomas and Hope and the line. Steffy said the line was doing well, and the preorders were better than expected. Assuming Steffy was worried about the people behind the line, he asked if it had been a mistake to let Hope and Thomas work together.

Steffy admitted that she was concerned. Confused, Finn recalled that she'd been reassuring Liam about Thomas and had had faith in Thomas. Steffy affirmed her faith in her brother, who was doing better. She trusted Thomas and wouldn't let anyone or anything derail his progress. Finn said Liam would figure out that there was no reason to be worried.

Steffy didn't want to waste time talking about Liam and Hope. Finn and Steffy kissed, but as he kissed her neck, her thoughts drifted back to what she'd seen between Thomas and Hope.

In a romantic setting in Brooke's cabin, Hope and Liam kissed, and he wondered how long they had until the kids arrived. Hope said she had two words for him -- "sleep over." She revealed that they had the night to themselves, and she'd devote it to her husband.

Liam said he had thought Hope would be working late and that he'd be alone, but she said she needed some "hubby time." She wanted to focus more on their relationship and was sorry she hadn't been there for Liam as much as she liked to be.

Later, Hope poured Liam wine from a bottle he'd thought she was saving for their anniversary. She said she'd been saving it for a special occasion. Toasting them, she said that, though she'd been focused on work, nothing mattered more to Hope than her family.

Liam said it meant a lot to him that Hope was invested in their marriage. He'd been worried that Hope working so much and so closely with Thomas would put a strain on it. Hope interrupted and asked not to talk about Thomas on a night about them. Liam readily agreed, saying they were much more interesting. "And sexier, too," she replied, kissing him.

Later, after having sex, Liam and Hope nestled together in their blankets on the sofa. Liam didn't know what had gotten into her lately, but he said she'd never been more passionate or in the moment. He was amazed. Hope said she wanted to show him how she felt about him and how much she loved him. Her face darkened as she laid her head on his chest.

Hope thought of holding Thomas' hands and of Steffy saying that Hope was becoming her mother. Hope told Liam that she'd been distracted with work, but she wanted him to know that he and the family always came first. She asked him to never doubt that she loved him. Liam replied that he'd never doubted her or questioned her feelings or loyalty -- and he never would.

Steffy again asks Hope about her feelings for Thomas
Steffy again asks Hope about her feelings for Thomas

Steffy again asks Hope about her feelings for Thomas

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

by Dan J Kroll

In the design office, Thomas was working on a sketch when Taylor dropped by to see him. Taylor said Thomas' "laser-focused" approach to work reminded her a lot of Ridge. After recalling how a young Thomas had eaten peanut butter and jelly sandwiches while watching Ridge work, Taylor managed to turn the conversation into a gentle probing of Thomas' love life.

Thomas wondered if his mother might not be totally convinced that he had moved on from his interest in Hope. Taylor assured Thomas that she didn't just drop by to check on Thomas -- she also enjoyed seeing his "handsome face" and catching up on his life. Thomas mused that Taylor probably also wanted to know if he was taking his vitamins and getting enough sleep.

Taylor then broke the news to Thomas that she had watched the season finale of a program that they had been watching together. The two shared an embrace and expressed their love to each other.

At Spencer Publications, Wyatt and Liam discussed a new app that could better mesh the retail world with that of social media influencers. Wyatt teased that they should try to get Forrester Creations' most influential designer on board. The two brothers talked a bit about Liam's concerns about Thomas. "Nobody goes through a sweeping life change like that in a matter of months," Liam said.

Asked about his relationship with Hope, Liam assured Wyatt that things in the romantic department were "pretty good." After some intimacy jokes, Liam stated that he was "incredibly lucky" to have Hope in his life. Wyatt agreed that Liam had "lucked out" when he'd married Hope.

Wyatt remarked that the apple fell very far from the tree when it came to Hope and Brooke. Wyatt claimed he meant no disrespect, but he reminded Liam of all the stories of Brooke's antics when she had been Hope's age. Liam shared that Hope's "moral code" was one of the many things he loved about her, not having to question Hope's "fidelity or commitment."

In the executive office at Forrester Creations, Hope thought back to her night of romance with Liam with a smile. Her face showed signs of concern when she had thoughts of her heart-pounding, hand-holding encounter with Thomas. Steffy entered the office and firmly stated that she wanted to talk about what she'd observed between Hope and Thomas.

Hope insisted that nothing out of the ordinary has transpired. "We were excited about the numbers," Hope explained. Steffy asked Hope to swear that she had no "inappropriate feelings" toward Thomas. Hope sighed deeply and commented that she thought that they'd already put that matter to rest. Hope insisted that while she had many different types of feelings for Thomas, none of them were romantic.

"I just want to make sure you're not following some of Brooke's patterns," Steffy said coldly. Hope insisted that she was nothing like her mother and would not do anything to "undermine" her relationship with Liam. Steffy insisted that she was not questioning Hope's feelings for Liam.

Hope told Steffy that Thomas had come to understand and accept that nothing would ever happen between them. Hope said that she and Liam had never been more connected. As Hope repeated that her relationship with Thomas was "platonic and professional," she seemingly became distracted and dropped her bottle of water. Steffy suggested that she might have overreacted because she didn't want anything to mess up the good times that her family was experiencing.

The two women shared a hug to show that they'd worked through their differences. Hope's face showed signs of concern, and her heart once again pounded loudly in her chest.

Hope and Thomas fly to San Francisco together
Hope and Thomas fly to San Francisco together

Hope and Thomas fly to San Francisco together

Thursday, May 11, 2023

by Chanel S. Garner

In the CEO's office, Liam walked in on Finn and Steffy kissing. Liam seemed embarrassed, and Finn guessed that he and Steffy had forgotten to lock the door. Awkwardly, Liam said to point him in the direction of his wife, and he'd disappear.

Steffy decided to give Liam a backpack pull of Kelly's soccer items. Finn said they'd see Liam at the soccer game, but Finn wondered how Liam was holding up. Liam flashed Steffy a look. Finn said Steffy had mentioned some things, and it was no secret that Liam had a problem with Hope and Thomas working together. Liam asked if Finn thought Thomas had changed.

A believer in the new Thomas, Finn said Thomas was focused on work, was taking therapy seriously, and seemed to be sincere. Finn didn't spend time with Thomas around Hope, so Finn didn't feel he could tell Liam to stop being vigilant. Steffy said Thomas was putting in the work.

Finn stated that he understood Liam's desire to protect his wife. Liam explained that he'd taken Thomas' word for it before. Liam didn't want to do that this time, but he also didn't want to look for problems where there weren't any. Liam admitted that he'd never forgive himself if something happened after he let his guard down. Steffy replied that Hope didn't need protection from Thomas.

In the design office, Thomas was sketching when Hope and Carter arrived with the news that some of their most influential buyers were in San Francisco for the day and wanted to meet with the newly reunited HFTF pair that very day. Carter, who'd already put the pilot on standby, said the buyers were excited and wanted to see Hope and Thomas. Hope asked if Thomas was willing to go. He asked if she was. She said it would be a great way to show the buyers confidence in their comeback. "Let's roll," Thomas decided.

Carter explained that the trip wouldn't last overnight, but face time with the international buyers was too important to pass up. He said Thomas and Hope would fly out and be back in time to say goodnight to their kids. He added that Donna had set up a hotel room for their presentation, and Katie was putting together a new media packet. Thomas wanted to figure out what looks to take with them, and Hope said sales was working on a deck about their preorder numbers. Carter wished Hope and Thomas luck and asked them to bring it home.

Once alone, Thomas and Hope discussed which designs to bring with them. Thomas wondered about Liam, who probably wouldn't be too thrilled. "Thrilled about what?" Liam asked in the doorway. Hope revealed that she had to fly to San Francisco at that moment to meet with some of their most influential buyers about the upcoming collection.

Liam exclaimed that it was great, and he didn't get why he wouldn't be thrilled. "Because Thomas is going," Liam deduced. Thomas said he and Hope were HFTF leaders, and the buyers wanted to see them both. Liam gleaned that it was the buyers' idea. Thomas said Liam had nothing to worry about, and Thomas left to let Hope and Liam talk.

Alone with Hope, Liam quipped that Thomas and Hope would take on San Francisco. Hope claimed it could "really" make or break the collection, and it wouldn't be overnight. Liam got it but said it was just a lot on top of the time she and Thomas already spent together. Hope noted that she and Liam would normally have more time to talk about it, but he said she'd heard his concerns ad nauseam. She asked if he understood why she had to go.

Liam replied that he'd be waiting for Hope to get home. Hope assured him that she didn't take his support for granted. She said her commitment was to him and only him. They said they loved each other, but when they hugged, Hope had an ambiguous look on her face.

Back in the CEO's office, Thomas interrupted Finn and Steffy's canoodling. Steffy said she and Finn should have learned their lesson when Liam had walked in on them earlier. Thomas replied that Liam was across the hall and not happy. Steffy asked what had happened, and Thomas asked if Carter had told Steffy about the meeting.

Steffy said Carter had messaged her, but she'd been "kind of busy." Thomas filled his sister in on the impromptu trip to San Francisco, and Steffy was surprised to hear it. Thomas replied that Liam had been just as surprised, and Thomas doubted Liam was wishing Hope a bon voyage.

Later, Thomas had gone, and Steffy was explaining to Finn what a game-changer the meeting would be. She said the couture line had a strong share with "them," but HFTF was just getting its foothold; therefore, Thomas and Hope needed to go. Finn guessed that meant he and Steffy wouldn't get interrupted, and he kissed Steffy.

"You know this door has a lock on it," Liam said, entering and interrupting the kiss. Finn replied that he and Steffy kept getting sidetracked. "Gross," Liam replied, headed to retrieve the soccer stuff for Kelly that he'd left. Steffy assumed Liam had heard about the trip, and Finn wondered if Liam was okay with it. "With my wife's formerly obsessed lead designer and her taking a little trippy trip together?" Liam asked. He admitted that he wasn't pleased with it.

Steffy replied that it was good for the collection and Hope. Liam expressed his support for Hope's success, and Steffy said Thomas was a big part of it. Liam pointed out that he wasn't doubting Thomas' talent. Liam was just worried that Thomas' issues could crop back up, given the right opportunity, such as a little business trip.

Steffy said the trip was necessary. Liam stated that he'd prefer if Hope was going with anyone else, but he had absolute faith in her. He said there was no concern about Thomas that trumped Liam's faith in Hope. Liam felt lucky to have an honest, genuine, and forthright wife who loved him. Steffy pursed her lips in response.

On the jet, Hope and Thomas went over their presentation. The pilot informed them that they'd take off soon, and Hope asked if the weather would be clear for their return that evening. The pilot affirmed it and exited.

Hope suggested that she and Thomas work through the flight. Thomas asked to talk about Liam because Thomas didn't want to cause any issues in her marriage. Hope said there had been a time when traveling with him might have given her pause, but she believed that he'd changed. She said they wouldn't be going to the meeting if he hadn't revitalized the line. Thomas replied that he wanted to live up to her faith in him, and she said he was doing it every day.

Thomas asked about Liam. Hope affirmed her love for Liam and said Liam knew that she loved their life and family together. She stated that nothing would ever get between them. Thomas said that she'd never been that kind of person. He claimed he'd seen Brooke, who'd made a lot of mistakes, being with one man and going to another; sometimes, it hadn't been the right time or the right man, but "you're not like that. And you would never do that. Not you. Never you."

Hope becomes caught up in a moment with Thomas
Hope becomes caught up in a moment with Thomas

Hope becomes caught up in a moment with Thomas

Friday, May 12, 2023

by Chanel S. Garner

At Spencer, Steffy arrived while Liam was finishing up work. She had forgotten to give him Kelly's soccer wristband. Liam said he could have picked it up on his way home, but Steffy added that she was interested to know if he'd heard from Hope and Thomas. Liam quipped that the CEO would be the one to go to for news about a Forrester trip, but Steffy reasoned that she'd thought Hope would have called him before her.

Just then, Liam received a text message from Hope, conveying that the meeting had been a success, and she was on her way to the jet. Steffy said it was good news, considering how Liam had felt about the trip. "Whatever. She's on her way home now," Liam said dismissively.

In a hotel room in San Francisco, Hope and Thomas successfully concluded their meeting with the international buyers who beamed about the line and the great team Hope and Thomas made. They were glad he was back spearheading the line. Hope agreed, smiling at him.

After seeing the buyers out of the room, Hope and Thomas beamed with excitement about how their meeting had gone. Thomas thanked her for giving him a chance to prove himself. As she gazed at him, Trevor the pilot called. Trevor reported that mechanical issues with the jet might cause an overnight layover in San Francisco.

Hope and Thomas scrambled to try to find Hope a commercial flight home, so she wouldn't disappoint Liam. While Thomas was on hold with a reservationist, Hope thanked him for his help. Thomas reminded her that they'd done some amazing teamwork with the meeting. Hope said they'd finished each other's sentences, and he remarked that it had been one mind and two voices. Hope said she'd had so much fun, she'd forgotten to be nervous. He replied that she never had to be nervous when he was around. Hope looked bashfully away.

Thomas received bad news from the reservationist. The only flight out that evening was fully booked. Hope became worried because Liam expected her to walk through the door, not spend the night in San Francisco with Thomas. Hope said it wasn't good.

Back at Spencer, Steffy and Liam continued to discuss Liam's leeriness of Thomas, but Steffy asked him to be grateful that Thomas was saving the line with designs that only he could make. She said that Thomas and Hope made a fantastic team.

Hope called Liam to inform him of the mechanical issues with the jet. He joked that it was a good thing she'd learned it while she was still on the ground. He assumed she'd fly commercial, but Hope said all the flights were booked. Liam asked if she was saying she'd spend the night with Thomas in San Francisco. Sitting beside Liam, Steffy widened her eyes in surprise.

Hope said it was possible, but she had her fingers crossed that the mechanics could fix it. Glancing at Thomas, who was on a call, Hope told Liam that she loved him but had to go. After the call ended, Steffy asked if Hope and Thomas were staying overnight. Liam nodded.

The thought of Hope and Thomas alone together overnight bothered Liam. Steffy thought to herself about the hand-holding incident. Liam sarcastically went on about how great it was; he assumed the hotel was booked, and Thomas would offer to share his room. Steffy insisted that it wouldn't happen, and Liam should be open to giving Thomas a chance. She added that even Liam had to admit that Hope and Thomas partnering wasn't the horror show Liam had expected.

"Yet," Liam added. Liam recalled that he'd begged Hope not to hire Thomas; Hope had agreed not to but had hired him the next day. Steffy figured it had hurt Liam. Liam had thought it would be the end of the peace in their home, but Hope had been amazing, kind, and supportive and had reassured him that Thomas would be out of there if he tried anything. Steffy asserted that Thomas' feelings were in check, and Liam didn't have to worry about Thomas.

Back at the hotel, Thomas had ordered room service and had gotten Hope's favorite salad. Hope began to stress out about the flight situation but decided that she wouldn't do that after the wonderful meeting they'd had. Thomas decided that she was being a good sport. She said he was, too; however, he figured he could just work more, but she had a family to get to.

Hope told Thomas that there would be no more work for him. She decided that they'd enjoy their dinner and bask in the glory of their success. Thomas decided to order himself a room -- just in case, and Hope gave him a side glance.

Later, Hope and Thomas were having dinner at the hotel and toasting to the meeting and orders that would result from it. Hope toasted to continuing to make magic together. She commended him on the new-and-improved version of himself, which was good for Douglas. Proud of himself, Thomas noted that it had gotten them to a new place of friendship. Hope said she was proud to call him her business partner and a friend. Thomas replied that it meant the world to him.

Noting that Hope was giving him a look, Thomas asked what it meant. Hope stammered, saying she didn't know. She told him that she loved Liam, and her family meant everything to her. She explained that she'd been constantly assuaging Liam's fears, which she found ironic after all he'd done. "And I've never given him really anything to worry about," she added.

Confused, Thomas asked what Liam should be worried about. Hope revealed that it hadn't been easy to grow up in her mother's shadow, and judgment on her mom sometimes got passed down to her. She said she'd fought hard to be her own person, not her mom. Hope claimed Brooke said she was following her heart but really only left a trail of devastation behind. Hope stated that she never wanted to be like that, and her morals mattered to her.

Hope got up from the table and slammed down her napkin. Thomas, who said he'd watched her his entire life, stated that she was nothing like her mother. He called her one of the most incredible people ever. "You always want to be with Liam," he said, assuring her that nothing would get between her and Liam. Hope thanked Thomas and hugged him. When they pulled back from the hug, their eyes met, and they gazed at each other.

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Edited by SC Desk