Soaps recalibrated: Five things we might have to kiss goodbye about B&B

Soaps recalibrated: Five things we might have to kiss goodbye about B&B

Great news, Scoopers! The Bold and the Beautiful announced that it will tentatively resume filming sometime in June. As speculation mounts about storylines and production, get the two scoops on five things we can kiss goodbye about our favorite show and three simple fixes B&B can undertake to make a remarkable comeback this fall.

It was a banner week for Brookies. It was Brooke Logan week. Katherine Kelly Lang (Brooke) is up for an Emmy. B&B announced it could resume filming as early as next month. Plus, I learned how to stream episodes and use a digital DVR! Yes, indeed, it was an incredible week for the show, the soap deprived, and the technically challenged all across the world.

The soapy gifts kept coming all week. KKL isn't the only B&B actor who could receive an Emmy nod this June. Check out our Emmys article for a list of nominations. In other news, we also learned that the soap has been renewed through 2022! Woo-hoo!

After a month-long soap hiatus, it's exciting to see news bubbling on the soapdish again. B&B's return production time frame is tentative, but it sets our minds ablaze with wonder about how the fictional drama will pick up where it left off in the real world of social distancing. Can there be romance? Have we seen the last Quinn smackdown of Brooke? Will there be fashion shows, fittings, and Thanksgiving dinner speeches again?

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We must face it. We might have to say goodbye to some things we love about soaps -- for now, anyway -- as shows become adept at producing episodes efficiently and safely going forward. There are ways B&B can adapt and even up their game, despite social distancing, and three simple tweaks to the show, if implemented, just might lead to an impressive fall return.

Let's get two scoops deep into how the Bold and the Beautiful might evolve as it surmounts temporary production challenges and how, as a small crew, it can excel in nebulous times. We'll look ahead to celebrity week as theme weeks continue. You'll never guess who we pick as the next celebrity guest stars who could permanently change the fashion game on B&B.

Five things we might not see-on screen when B&B returns to the air

Think of the fundamental elements that make a soap the daytime pastime we've known for decades. There are dramatic lighting, poignant music, and beautiful people. We witness romance, fashion shows, and contentious rivalries. With the fall return of our daily stories, producers must get creative in delivering flawless, jaw-dropping tear-jerkers and lovey-dovey scenes that keep our cast and crew safe at the same time.

I'm looking forward to seeing how our savvy producers, directors, and crew handle set filming. For now, here are some staple plot devices we might not see for a while:

So long to confused and misconstrued kisses. Stolen kisses, the number one way most cheaters get caught cheating on B&B, will be a thing of the past -- unless first-person-view kissing doesn't come off as too cheesy on film. I could use a break from mischievous kisses anyways. They've been overused lately. Writers will have to get creative when it comes to spawning romantic misunderstandings and angst between couples -- and that's a good thing, folks. Characters will hopefully have to think with their brains and not their lips from here forward.

Bid adieu to love scenes<./b> No love scenes is a no-brainer, but the show has depended less and less upon steamy scenes in recent times. Have you noticed that we barely see one or two a year? In a world without hugs or kisses, this could be the time to revamp the naughty scenes.

Instead of couples rolling around to romantic music, cameramen could film fevered lovers dropping their clothes and leaving the rest to our imaginations. The writers implied copulation between Eric and Stephanie in the recently broadcasted 5,000th episode. Subtle touches like these can create romance without the actors even being seen.

Last call for epic catfights and room-rocking fistfights. We all love a good fondue chocolate fight between the ladies or room-shattering brawls between former gentlemen, but due to social distancing, perhaps a duel at 20 paces will have to suffice. Producers will most likely use camera positioning to create the illusion of a slap or punch, but full-on wrestling matches will probably be postponed until further notice.

Lights out on family gatherings and living room weddings. For now, we'll probably have to do without family parties at Brooke's, the Fourth of July by the beach, and living room weddings at Eric's. If Katie and Bill happen to make it through their latest kiss mishap, they might have to marry the same way Hope and Liam made their marriage official -- off-screen at the courthouse. Last year, we learned about holiday gatherings through dialogue instead of witnessing them ourselves, and in 2020, we just might have to hear all about the Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas gatherings after they "happen" off-screen.

It's curtains for fashion shows. The halls of Forrester might seem empty with few extras on set. Ridge will probably do fittings on dress forms instead of living models, but it's unlikely that the fashion showdown between Steffy and Hope will ever get off the ground. Besides the obvious reasons that their designers are "dying" or off somewhere brooding, the showdown can't go on without a crowded showroom and bustling backstage area. We could predictably see private showings, but fashion events are probably postponed until spring.

Of course, these are just my opinions about how things might appear upon B&B's return to daytime in the fall. What's your opinion of how the show will change and adapt to the challenges of a new filming environment?

Three must-do tweaks for an impressive fall season

Even with filming regulations, it's possible for The Bold and the Beautiful to deliver intriguing, thought-provoking plots and dialogue without a bunch of parties, fashion models, steamy scenes, and fights. Again, I refer back to the 5,000th episode as proof that B&B can pull off masterful shows with a handful of characters and just one set, the Big Bear cabin.

In that single episode, we learned more about Ridge, Brooke, Stephanie, and Eric than we could have in a month of regular shows. We were instantly drawn into the plot and given a good foundation to root for the family to succeed in their endeavor. The episode even contained a steamy love scene nestled tastefully within social-distancing reason -- sans the pillow fight, of course.

Going forward, the episode could be a model for excellent storytelling for the three simple rules it followed. If writers and producers align future plots with the same concepts, The Bold and the Beautiful will be a success in a future of uncertainty.

Draw circles, not triangles. B&B has ridden the triangle plot device for decades, but with the advent of social distancing, the focus should be on the circle, symbolizing marriage and commitment. Even though triangles bring all the fictional drama, in real life, the biggest challenges to staying married or committed often have little to do with a divided heart. As in the aforementioned episode, sometimes it has to do with finances, business decisions, kids, and diverging dreams.

The best thing for the show could be to focus on developing supercouples like Bridge and Steric instead of simmering volatile couplings on the back burner until the next interloper injects himself to cause trouble for an otherwise stagnant couple. Give Quinn and Eric a challenge or adventure that draws them closer without involving their exes. Have Brooke and Ridge struggle to work on their marriage while he feels obligated to help locate the missing Flo, who went missing while he had her mother preoccupied in Vegas.

A favorable plot for Hope and Liam lies in their differences over her career. Even though a triangle was involved in the plot, I enjoyed Liam and Hope's past struggles to stay together despite the demands of her career and her morals. It was intriguing to watch their love affair evolve through her addiction and desire to travel with the HFTF diamond. We also saw a glimpse of this type of plot on Nick and Brooke's wedding day classic episode when the bride and groom adamantly disagreed about the direction Brooke's career had taken.

Write character-driven, not plot-driven stories. This bit of advice might be an extension of the tips above, but it bears repeating for plots involving singles, couples, or families. In the 5,000th episode, the plot was driven by who Eric was, who he wanted to be, and what he wanted to leave as his legacy. It wasn't about getting from plot point A to plot point B, even if it made the characters look like hypocritical weaklings.

To achieve this goal, the writers must diligently adhere to the history of characters and the show and push plots forward while respecting everything that brought the characters to that moment, in lieu of looking for a quick, cheap shocker for viewers. Take, for example, the out-of-the-blue kiss between Bill and Brooke. While a kiss like that could have logically happened between them, it was a meaningless gaffe at the wrong time in their lives.

It wasn't believable that Brooke, desperate to reunite with Ridge, would kiss Bill after she'd been so upset about Ridge kissing Shauna. Bill was incredibly happy with Katie, and there was no reason for him to make that move on Brooke. The kiss was a stunt, not character-driven angst, and it went nowhere after breaking up Bridge. In contrasting it with Katie's alcoholism story, we see that, when Bill felt driven by Katie's accusations into Brooke's arms, it was a result of character-driven angst, not a means to a plotted end.

Choose meaningful dialogue over repetitive chats. I can't count the number of times I've tuned in to watch the same characters have the same conversation over and over again. Aren't there other things to talk about even for supporting characters? While plots build, there are other things characters can talk about, and writers must give characters other things to do as they await the unfurling of plots.

Referring again to the 5,000th episode, while waiting for Ridge and Stephanie to make their decision about opening Forrester boutiques, the family discussed and did other things. It was thoroughly entertaining to watch the foursome's antics at the cabin with very little plot movement at all for the overall storyline. That's because the characters were just being their entertaining selves. The writers could have done this with Wyatt and Sally, giving us insight into how they cohabitated during her "illness" instead of making every moment of their storyline a discussion about the plot.

At Nick and Brooke's wedding, Nick wanted to skip the fluffy ceremony dialogue and get to the "meat and potatoes" of the ceremony. When it comes to storytelling, I'm the opposite. I want the cocktails, the appetizers, the salad, the main course, side dishes, dessert, and coffee. Hell, add in an all-you-can-eat subplot buffet and a bib, and I'm good!

My final advice for writers is to give us more plot accouterments in lieu of repetitive dialogue about the naked storyline. Pair it with character-driven plots and a focus on relationships, and we'll continue to have a timeless soap opera in 2022 and beyond.

In a look ahead: B&B celebrity week

Next up for the throwback themes, B&B pays homage to celebrities that have shaken up the soap over the years. Click here for a full week's itinerary of classic shows. Many celebrities have visited Los Angeles, and some broke huge storylines in the process.

Usher debuted as Raymond and was pivotal in Amber's baby-swapping storyline. Betty White (Ann) and Ally Mills (Pam) appeared as Stephanie's mother and sister, kicking off an unexpected storyline for Stephanie that explained why Stephanie was the way she was; she had an abusive father. Just recently, Wayne Brady guest-starred on the show as the infamous Dr. Buckingham, leaving a baby-napping story in his wake.

Could it be time for another celebrity to burst onto the scene and change everything about life in the L.A. fashion world as we know it? If so, I know the perfect couple that should slip into town to escape murder charges and the Dixie Mafia in Florida -- Desna and Roller, the criminal duo from TNT's Claws, played by the hilarious and sexy Niecy Nash and Jack Kesy.

Nails and fashion work hand in glove, but what happens when couture and swampland glam collide will be anybody's guess! Jack Kesy as Roller Husser would fit right in because he doesn't like to wear shirts any more than Thomas does, but Roller will probably need Quinn to make him a brand-new designer teeth grill. Desna Simms has a style all her own. Her nail art could add a new dimension to the uppity fashion world, and she will challenge the Forresters to design for the voluptuous woman. Trust me, Desna's rompers will put BeLieF to good use!

Claws is in its final season, so there's a chance Nash and Kesy might be free to grace Forrester with some unique comedy, fashion, and Dixie Mafia drama. Do you guys think Lieutenant Baker, Sanchez, and the fashion world can handle Desna and Roller?

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Thanks for scooping with us this week, and until next time, stay bold and beautiful, baby!Chanel

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Edited by SC Desk